Well while in the mood I just thought I would give a quick update on the concert, which is that
a date has now been confirmed apart from when I contacted the venue to tell them today, they were to busy to put it as confirmed in the book, so will try again tomorrow

I thought I had my lineup all sorted out, but sadly Pams People cannot appear they have other commitments, but instaed Affetside Choir are possibly willing to perform again with a different selection of music, plus we may be able to ask some other local talent to join in.
Jean the beatiful singer from last year is offerring to perform again, so we must be doing something right. Plus at the moment we have a talented young man willing to play the piano for us, his mother is willing to supply a group of young dancers, including some really young ones to give us the aah factor. Plus I have asked one of our volunteers if he will do a couple of sketches to cover up any of my mistakes during the performance & the lovely Jackie has offerred to compere again.
Now all I have to do is get some photos & info on the acts, get someone to sort out the design of the posters, find people to distribute information & posters to the public, find prizes for the tombola & someone to run it in time for early early March, plus late on Brian the elusive one on my photos wants me to find a school choir as well.
Well you can see I have to much time on my hands & a brilliant social life so I thought it was time to venture out & try to make social contact as described in my previous blog. Well I had been a member of Friendsreunited for some years as some of you will know, which had helped me to track down a range of long lost friends, so why not have a look at their companion site to chat, well sadly not quite what I wanted.
In conversation with someone at work they said, why not try their dating site you can just meet up & chat or make friends, so off I went, this is not good for my back, but I will try anything once, Joined up Had a look & there seemed some pleasant people going from their profiles & photos, although others had said be wary people can tell lies (surely not on the internet) plus people appearred to have looked at my profile. so jump straight in thought I & guess what , I got stuck on a page saying they wanted MONEY before I could access anything, well I thought about it & decided being tight & looking for a holiday(more of this in my next blog or maybe later in this one) decided not to bother.
Well yesterday I got a message to say someone was trying to contact me, well being the sad person I am curiosity got the better of me so I decided to contact them, with bated breath I clicked on the link to BE TOLD I NEEDED TO PAY MONEY FIRST, well what should one do.

I felt if someone after reading my profile was that desperate, then I should at least read their message, although friends keeep telling me how I dont look my age, maybe that actually means I am older than I look, must check this out.
Finally curiosity got the better of me so I paid the money & clicked on the link, the message was quite brief & sadly the lady although maybe a very nice person from her profile did not seem to have anything in common with me, plus she lives a considerable distance away from me, so right or wrong I have not yet contacted her but thinking of crititism I have made I now think that I should aknowledge her at least for making the effort.
Whilst browsing through the other members interestingly I came across someone I know & again am not sure whether I should say hello(but would it embarrass her) I suppose she could of contacted me if she wanted.
Well last but no means least I noticed a pleasant looking person so looked at her profile, which if correct meant she was not looking for someone like me but for reasons I am not sure of I e mailed just to say what a lovely person she seemed, what a nice suprise she e mailed back just to thank me, but my feeling is thats the end of that conversation, so lets see what happens on my next visit, I will try to remember to keep you posted
These brilliant photos I came across from a new aquaintance the other day & she was willing for me to put them on, I hope you enjoy them as much as me
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