My thoughts as I have now become the age of 65+ and my efforts to show that age does not stop us having fun as well as opinions
22 May 2020
Lockdown Week 7
Actually the problem as so many others are finding is to actually make the time and decision to get round to doing things, rather than put off for another day
Lockdown Week Seven 12 May 2020
Well I thought I would write down here some of my thoughts whilst life is a little quieter at present, on how things have been and how I have coped.
But before I start on the main post, can I say many thanks to all the people that made it possible for me to survive through all that’s going on at present. This includes all the usual services such as NHS Police, Fire brigade, medical services, but not forgetting all the staff at shops and supermarkets that have enabled me to buy food etc, the delivery drivers and other staff that have contributed to this. The council workers emptying my bins, the people that keep the utilities still working as well as all the other people in life we take for granted in life, who work to keep our lives going such as the postal workers and post offices.
Firstly I have found it much easier to cope with more time at home in terms of keeping occupied, I have read, listened to music and watched TV a lot, plus rested, with occasional trips out to buy food, visit physio or to exercise, with little bit of gardening.Before all this happened I filled a lot of my time with voluntary work, these days mainly round hearing issues and this was the excuse not to get on with tasks I needed to do at home, as I am exploring moving to ground floor accommodation. Unfortunately in reality, I have not spent as much time de cluttering as I needed to, although I have made some impression on what I need to dispose of when the tips and charity shops are again open.
Sadly one of the negatives has been the lack of contact from family, friends, and local neighbourhood. I have it seems at present 85 friends on Facebook, I have heard from a very small number of them, or made contact and still await a reply to my message. I read on various websites about how supportive some communities have been, what a shame the same has not happened where I live, there are 50 flats with elderly/disabled (vulnerable self isolating) people but nothing offering support to myself or others, from council, charity etc, apart from those known to the support agencies or with supportive family or friends. I do wonder how long it would have been if I became ill before anybody noticed, or if I was unable to summon help.
We are told that there is lots of help out there through the internet, but what about those who cannot use it, or like me struggle to hear on the phone, even worse those with mental health issues or dementia, that are not diagnosed yet, who are at a loss with all that is going on
Due to all this sitting round or lying down, it has messed up my body, due to lack of movement and the osteoarthritis throughout my body, so despite having at least one trip for a walk each day, I have still had more pain and movement requiring physio than I usually have. This is made worse because I was due to see the pain relief consultant as lockdown started, so back to waiting list and to see what eventually will be offered to assist.
A good thing that has come out of it all has been that I have discovered how many beautiful sunsets we have been having with the good weather, encouraging me to go out about 8.30 most nights with my camera for a longer walk to seek that elusive photo
A pleasant thing, is that I have got to know my neighbour across the way better, whilst keeping at a safe distance, what a fascinating life he has led, it just goes to show you cannot tell who or what a person is by looking at them, or what sort of life experiences they have had.
Whilst there have been so many people not working, so less traffic, how sad therefore the way so many drivers have been during this time, as the roads have been fairly clear, we would of hoped that they would drive within the speed limits and more safely, considering others on the road. Unfortunately when I have been out, it seems there has been even worse driving by many.
But why what is the rush. Even worse where I live on an estate, with many blind bends and a speed limit of 20 MPH why are they going so fast, made worse that, there are now, a former unusual sight of pedestrians on the pavements or crossing the road to avoid each over, often a family out for a slow stroll, oblivious to the hazards they are now facing. Please if you are one of these drivers, consider your speed, we don’t need any more people having to go into hospital or be killed.
At the same time, there are so many pedestrians, particularly families who are obviously not used walking out as a group for exercise, often with dad either stepping out at front or dragging his heels at the back (sorry not trying to be sexist but that’s how it seems ) They seem to of either never learnt consideration for others or forgotten. So when faced with other pedestrians seem to struggle with what to do if faced by people coming in their direction. There then is a range of actions, either as a group to suddenly step out in the road to cross to safety on the other side, oblivious of the car coming towards them. Ignoring the others and keeping to the their grouping so the other pedestrians have to cross into the roads, but just sometimes moving to one side and acknowledging the other party as they do the same.
Now what about shopping, well personally I have tried to get a slot with Tesco who I have used previously, but 7 weeks on, so far with no luck. I of could tried others, but then need to sign up create passwords, then most probably spend many hours hopping from site to site just in case. Luckily my mobility is good enough at present to either walk to the local shops and wait in the queue outside, what a shame people stand in silence, could be a good opportunity at a safe 2 metres to have a chat and make new friends/acquaintances, or when on way to Lidle or Aldi, they often so far have had short or no queues and being smaller are easier to get round.
When driving past Asda and Tesco I have struggled with how many cars there are on their carparks, its shades of Boxing day, when despite the months people have stocked up on goods, they still feel the need to go and buy more. I do wonder how many of these are people who are selfishly taking up many of the slots for home delivery, needed on an occasional basis by others similar to me who are classed as vulnerable.
After a health issue with my walking ability last year for 3 months, I got into the habit of stocking up so, because I live alone I could at least eat whilst when recovering, my cupboards hold about enough for a months supply. I had no desire or capacity to store more, so why have we heard so much about people stockpiling to such a huge extent, quantities it makes no sense, they will take maybe sometimes for years to come, before they get rid of it all. This as we all know now made more people panic buy as the shelves emptied, making something happen there was never a need for. I have read of people seeking multiple slots on home delivery or click and collect services, maybe it’s a new game to pass the time whilst stuck at home.
As I have walked to the shops or around the estate, I thought there would be lots of gardening, or children’s voices in the back gardens but no. Where are they all, we here in the north have had some really good weather, so are they all quietly sat in the back garden, or inside, maybe getting up late and going to bed early. I suppose there must be some people who are working from home and children being home schooled, but what a chance to enjoy time together in the sun at no cost, now that all our holidays are either cancelled or in doubt for the foreseeable future.
An irony is that my travel insurance was due for renewal and I was hoping to have a series of unforgettable holidays this year. One was the holiday of a lifetime to Canada, plus maybe a trip to Norway in the winter to finally go on that husky trip I have always wanted, but never mind there is always next year if needed, presuming the travel industry when this is all over can get its act together.
I hope you have enjoyed the read, when I have enough time in my busy life will try to do an update
24 Aug 2013
Our trip to Truro and Falmouth 22 August 2013
Our trip to Truro and Falmouth 22 August 2013
We set off on the coach bright and early it was already getting warm, we had a pleasant drive to Truro, today it was a different driver, seems John has to have 2 days rest so so we had Steve who is a local relief driver instead, he had good local knowledge with humorous stories about local characters, before we got to Truro he explained that we had 2 options either to continue to Falmouth on the coach or to go on small excursion boat down the river Andy said he preferred to go by coach so Brian and I discussed what we should do, we agreed we could not leave Andy on his own, Brian kindly agreed tl stay with him. I went off with others to bus, down to boat, lots more people joined before we reached the boat, fortunately I got a seat with a good view so I could record anything for Brian later, as far as I remembered it was to be half hour long,
the boat gently went on its way and the captain described land marks and places, it was so peaceful relaxing and quiet I felt quite guily that the others could not of joined me, there were a range of boats and ships that we passed along the way including one that was used in the film Mama Mia, (I must have look when get home)we stopped every so often to drop off and pick up passengers, there was a chain driven ferry at one point that took cars wanting to cross the estuary, I had not realized that Falmouth was such an important shipping port or that it built ships.we finally reached Truro, so went looking for coach and travelling companions, all of a sudden I heard someone shouting it was Brian, they had been down to the harbour looking for me and the boat we walked up to coach I checked out toilets at Weatherspoons as usual they were clean, read other blog for more detail of this and others. we then travelled back to Truro, had a look at the cathedral plus took a few photos, then off to BHS for a drink, unfortunately it was my turn to buy so although I knew we had agreed to a Cornish cream tea later I spotted a carrot cake so being greedy had to try a slice, it was delicious, we wandered back to the coach then another drive to the cider farm for our cream tea, well we had 2 scones each with lashings of cream and cherry jam unfortunately they only provided one cup of tea rather than the pot I hoped for to help wash it down I am beginning to think I need to explore my dietry needs when I return home and reduce my cake input considerably LOL, we had a pleasant ride back to the hotel.After a shower and rest e had another enjoyable evening meal, I was very impressed with the quality of the food as well as the service, after Andy went to bed and Brian and I went out taking photos of yet another beautiful sunset
there was a young couple oblivious to everyone who made a romantic picture, sorry quality is not that good though, we carried on and came across a beach that was lit up with lots of people enjoying themselves22 Aug 2013
The Eden Project at last 20 August 2013
An early start today on our coach trip, after our breakfast and buying some sandwiches and drinks for later consumption, the trip was through pleasant countryside and took about 30 minutes, when we arrived, at the Eden Project, the staff were great at sorting out Andy, they came with a vehicle to take us to the visitor centre, once there he was provided with an electric wheelchair, I was surprised how noisy and busy it all was at the Visitor Centre, so off we set on our trip to the tropical area first. There were all sorts of interesting plants and flowers to look at and take photos of as well as some rather interesting pieces of art.
When we got to the dome it was quiet busy already, but we managed to negotiate round the dome, stating the obvious it got warmer and warmer as time went on, plus the humidity was quite high there, we saw all sorts of plants and flowers and the occasional butterfly we took, well I took plenty of photos,
21 Aug 2013
Our trip to Newquay and the Eden Project 19 August 2013
I could not sleep the night before as was worried I going to miss the taxi or not be ready, in the end got up showered packed and had breakfast, Andy texted me to say he was on his way, we picked up Brian then off to town, the roads were clear so we were there for 6.30 although the coach was not until rested in coach station, at 10 past went out, taxis kept arriving to drop people off, eventually the coach arrived, err umm no wrong one, just as well as driver looked miserable and was abrupt when someone asked, he pointed to the sign on his coach, very rude, other coaches came and went but no sign of ours some time later ours came loaded up including Andy's wheelchair at last we were on our way, err uumm no we then went to various other locations to pick people up, we by now realized that we could of had at had another hour in bed and got taxi elsewhere, at long last we finally set off driver introduced himself as John seemed pleasant,
We went down M6 to services where we stopped for a break, place was packed, could not understand why McDonald's was so busy until saw how much more expensive everywhere else was, settled for Cornish pastie and a drink then on coach, pattern continued as we travelled south, 3 or 4 stops later we finally arrived.
I forgot to say earlier the coach was modern, seats comfortable, air conditioning worked well as very warm out, Brian had decided to sit at the front Andy and had aisle seats opposite each other so chatted about all sorts of subjects along the way but also we had peaceful periods when I slept, lol
it had taken most of the day to get thereThe hotel was pleasant we waited for others to book in then realized that another coach had arrived, so joined the queue, none of the rooms had a seaview Andy and I were on the same floor but on different corridors, Brian was on the floor below, then up in the lift with wheelchair to Andy's room, got him settled then finally to my room,it
was well laid out, plenty of storage space, had shower so decided would have that first and unpacked, had rest then was time for evening meal, all staff there pleasant good choice of food on menu, service good. After Andy decided that would have rest and go to his room, Brian and I went out to take photos of the beautiful sunset, was out for some time before got to dark, back to hotel for early night as tomorrow we were off on coach trip.23 Jun 2013
Another busy day in Copenhagen, summer solstice
As usual we started with a good breakfast, then off to get the bus, unfortunately we could not work out where to get off so decided to use the metro, yet again we could not work out which sort of ticket but a lady kindly helped us.
We were hoping we would see lots to photograph on the trip to they centre, sadly most was underground, we got to the center then, took the escalator up into a store, oops, we quickly found our way out and set off looking for the Little Mermaid
Unfortunately I did not record all the places we saw along the way, so may need Brians help later to edit,I think it was the royal palace where we saw the guards outside and there were all sorts of statues, again I will have to put photos on when return home, trying to remember it all at 12 at night is a bit of a struggle made worse by my senior moments, there were lots of coaches full of tourists, along the way l needed to go to the toilet (see other blog) plus a cruise ship in the harbour, whilst there, it started to rain which quickly meant the people disappeared, it only lasted a while, we made our way back to the centre and stopped for something to eat and drink as my back had set off again and I needed a painkiller, I settled for a pizza, after this we made our way to the Town Hall where there were all sorts of activities taking place,we passed a Latin American style band on the way, Brian bought us an ice cream each,
We went to Central Station for a look round and to catch the metro back unfortunately it doesent run from there, I have never seen so many cycles in one place at a timeI used the toilets there (see other blog) Brian had noticed there was something showing up in his viewfinder on the camera we could not remove it but managed to get it lower down on the screen hopefully it will not spoil his photos, then we went looking for the bus back as it was nearer than the metro, we found the tourist office but it was closed, which seemed odd in such a busy tourist resort, we found the bus stop but then were told it was the wrong direction, the driver sent us to the wrong street, but Brian sorted us out plus we found the statue of Hans Christian Andersen and we were on our way back to the hotel, its a shame that it is surrounded by roadworks at present so is not at its best.
When we got off Brian said lets go down to the promenade as it was the Summer Solstice and lots of peple would be going there, I was amazed at how many people were walking and cycling there, couples family's and groups of friends, both young and old, we wandered along, many had brought a picnic, particularly young couples, one I noticed had rye bread, sausages and strawberries, an interesting combination of food, we took a series of photos, then noticed that the sun was setting in the opposite direction, just then there was a brief shower, which quickly abated but many had already started to leave,
I forgot to mention earlier that Brian had kindly offered to carry my backpack to help me cope, normally I would not of taken him up on his offer but realised that it would help me to continue longer so many thanks Brian, just after this we saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky so again out with the cameras.
I needed my painkillers that I have to take with food so back to our Chinese for a meal, what an odd combination I had of omelette chips with a mushroom sauce, whilst waiting I noticed the sun had changed to beautiful reds, so off for a few more photos, we then came back after the meal for an early night, ready for another busy day tomorrow
1 Dec 2007
Update on the concert & dating sites & other stuff