I thought whilst I had time to spare I would make a list of some of the points about the holiday to help others who may be thinking of doing a similar trip in the future, also the best and worst parts of the holiday.
Firstly trying to do so much in the time I had with all the waiting time, travelling to and from airports plus the actual flight durations, have reduced the actual time at destinations considerably, plus changing time zones had also mafe a difference, I think if or when I have tome to do so I will list some of this information, I know befote I started I calculated a minimum of 60 hours flying and over 20 hours in airport lounges, then there is the time getting to and from airports. So maybe in the future do less complicated trips particularly if its to be a restful break and spend more time enjoying myself.
Maybe a list of some points will be helpful to you readers so here goes.
Health issues, first check what inoculations or other issues need to be considered, have you got enough medication and or equipment for your trip. Do you have a letter of support from GP etc if need special medication etc, have you informed the airline of your special needs, usually they need a minimum of 48 hours, maybe your travel agent can assist with this, think about how you will cope with a very long flight, such as one of mine of 13 hours duration with arthritis in my neck and spine, is it worth upgrading and what about assistance at the airport to get you through immigration and passport control without having to stand about in long queues, its free all you have to do is ask. Often it then helps to board the plane sooner but accept you will be last off, but even so possibly still be at the baggage carousel first.
Next things that can create issues for you particularily when flying, beware of the dangers of DVT when sat in one position for hours, wear flight socks and try to walk about or at least do exercises to improve circulation.
Dehydration is so easy if you dont drink enough, try to keep away from alcohol and fizzy drinks, ask flight staff, carry some sweets to help keep the mouth from drying out and also combat changes in cabin pressure.
Wear loose clothing but that is warm enough to cope with the quite cold air con some planes seem to have. This can also give problems with sore throats due the dry atmosphere.
Look after your feet, as those who have followed my blog will be aware blisters can easily start and be very painful and uncomfortable spoiling enjoyment of your holiday so easily, wear tried and trusted shoes, I have bern yolf petroleum jelly spplied in advance is helpful plus prevents foot odour, I now wear sandals on long flights so my feet are ventilated and cooler.
Now this is very serious, beware of bicycles when out on roads, as back home they seem to be a law unto themselves and often ignore normal rules such as traffic lights and in China seemed to think it was ok to ride on the pavement as did motorcycles, mopeds and scooters, quite frightening for any of us who do not get out of the way quickly enough, they serm to have a death wish but unfortunately its the pedestrian who would come off worse.
I have also been thinking about the best and worst of the holiday in all sorts of respects, what were the highlights and where was I most disappointed on the trip, what about tours and flights, well here goes, do accept these are my view and others may differ in their opinions, some love peace and quiet whereas others like the noise and activities, how many selfies did I take, well none other than when kind people took a photo of me and Chico now and then.
The most peaceful beautiful and relaxing was in Auckland at Maison De Rose it was a long way from the airport but so well set eith attention to detail and a whole host of extras, including a couple of trips with the host Robert to see some of the beautiful
The most hectic, well it's hard to work out between Las Vegas that was noisy and busy with loud music everywhere we went apart from the bedroom, both in the hotel but on the streets, with a constant stream of people heading to who knows where along the sidewalks and so much traffic along the Strip.
On the other hand Shangai was so busy with so many people everywhere, the noise of the traffic and the sheer number of people trying to get to who knows where. The crush of people on the underground trying to get on and off the trains. The traffic was constant, but made worse by the bikes and mopeds on the pavements with no regard for pedestrians but also their total ignorance of road signs or concern for others. People seemed intent on getting to their destination ignoring others and pushing their way in with little evidence of manners.
I found the weather variable as I travelled about, in fact I was amazed at how well I coped with all the extremes with at times high temperatures but also high humidity, to more moderate in other places.
Auckland seemed to have the most pleasant, but it was spoilt for me in the end by the storm we sufferred in what is suppossed to be their summer. The worst was Shanghai as it was cold and windy with elements of smog some days blotting out the sun and leading to many people wearing masks to protect their faces.
I went on a number of organised excursions some better than others, the shortest was to view Ayres Rock at sunset in total from bring picked up to arriving back at the resort was less than 2 hours. Rather than the peaceful setyong I had hoped for with a stunning sunset, we were herded into sections for our coach companies where we could eat and drink and to wait for the sun to go down, sadly on the day the sun was hidden for most of the time as it set so no mixture of stunning colours, then a horn was sounded and back on the coach, the whole thing had cost $80, quite a disapointment but such is life.
The longest trip wad to the Grand Canyon by coach, wr set off at 6 30 in the morning and arrived I think about 7pm at night. Maybe we saw more than we would of in a plane or helicopter tour but also had long periods on the coach often of 3 hours duration between stops when many slept or watched videos provided by the coach company, it was hundreds of dollars cheaper and poddibly we saw more of the area, plus had time for other stops and at the Grand Canyon. Something I would like to do but spend overnight next time with time after the tourists taking selfies are not about.
The most spectacular was definitely the Grand Canyon, with not enough time to take it all in with the length of our trip, the hight and spectacular views need to be seen and all so different as I walked along the rim. The other things that I have to admit stood out was the fountains at the Belluggio and the volcano at the Mirage,not natural and only a few minutes duration but something definately to remember.
The most unexpected was the celebration of Christmas in Singapore and Shanghai even in the public toilets they were playing christmas music, with many illuminated christmas trees and reindeer, no sign of Santa though, plus for the child in me a huge Paddington or two in Shangai.
I almost forgot to mention the airlines firstly I am into battle on return with Virgin about my cancelled flight back home, the best without a doubt was Air New Zealand that went that extra mile but was the most comfortable of all the trips. The worst without a doubt was United Airlines with one stingy free drink in a five hour journey with incomfortable seats and a lack of cabin staff.
In terms of value for money nowhere beats Shanghai or Penang where a meal cost about a pound and most things were less expensive. on the trains in Shanghai a three day pass was only a couple of pounds. In Penang due to Pauls hard work we saw many things at no cost, so thanks for all your time and effort in showing me the area you now live. But wherever I went there were things to see that were free from parks that were peaceful and beautiful to just sometimed just sitting and watching people go about their daily business, the already mentioned waterfalls and volcano in Vegas were free as were certain of the monorail trips between hotels and to finally see what the casinos were like was another rather odd experiance but not of interest to me.
Well I may come back and add more to this section to help if you are thinking of plamming visiting any of these places in the future I hope I have given you some insight, hopefully when I post some photos it will aff to the experiance.