Trip To Almeria
Some of you will know that since late in August I have had a series of things to deal with, hopefully all now sorted and I can get on with my life. I posted something on Facebook, really about the different types of relationships on there and how people can friend or unfriend you just like that. But also that people often would say something then behave in a very different way, must be something to do with interpretations of what friends are really about.
Well now to what matters for this Blog. Amongst the people who contacted me with support was a friend called Bunty, we had known each other for a number of years through Sagazone and Facebook, but had only met up for a weekend with friends in Birmingham some years ago.She kindly offered me the use of her villa in Spain if it would help me manage through this difficult time, depending on my dates she may or not of been there, if not about I would have to pay the agent otherwise to be her guest. Well oddly enough I needed to think about this as for the last few years finding people who wanted to do something to help me without a cost or agenda was very rare. So sorry Bridget so seldom to find someone as kind and genuine as you
I decided to take her up on the offer and arranged a couple of weeks in October, then needed some idea of where I was going, which turned out to be a lovely little place away from the tourist areas with a beach nearby, what more could I want. Well to be honest to arrange the flights and how to get to the villa was a start I suppose.
Thanks to the internet I was able to find dates but it needed two different airlines, next how to get to the villa out of season. Again back to the computer where I found from the airport I could get a bus into Almeria then another to the village, problem was the early bus to resort an hour before my plane was due to land, the next was at 15 30, so a fair wait in Almeria, so I looked for shuttles and found a shuttle company that would take me from the airport most of the way, then I could get a taxi. Bridget offered to pick me up from drop off point, but also mentioned that she was coming over with her friend from UK, so I would be in the under build instead of spare room in villa. Said not a problem for me, so went away and sorted out tickets etc
Just before setting off further message to say may be a problem as she had got dates wrong but could still pick me up from meeting point.
18/10/2018 Started out at 3am in taxi to airport, used assistance at airport to get to plane, all went well, and arrived safely in Almeria, shuttle was waiting and within an hour was meeting the two ladies, the other being Karen. We hit it off straight away and had a Chinese meal before setting off for villa. We travelled in Bridgets car, which is a Skoda Yeti, very comfortable I found it and soon we arrived at villa
I moved my luggage down to the studio and Karen and I then cleaned the place up as was a little dusty, unpacked then we all relaxed. That evening I think they introduced me to the card game named UNO, I found I could play quite well very quickly, it was a pleasant relaxing evening in good company. Later off to bed which I found very comfortable, quiet and had one of the best nights sleep I had had in a long while
From this point I am not going to list everything in normal order and will possibly mix up places and dates, as I realize all sorts of things now blend in and I am unsure quite when we did some things, the main purpose is to explain what an enjoyable time I had
I think we started with a coffee then off to supermarket for some food, there was such a different range of food there, to what I am used to and as my Spanish is so poor often had to guess what some of the food was. Later we went for a meal together, the day was warm and sunny and I enjoyed the good company and conversation.
I needed the toilet just after we had paid the bill, the ladies were insistent that we each shared our own costs fairly, which I found a refreshing change. So off to seek the toilet, I asked the barman who totally misunderstood and thought I was questioning the bill, eventually with the help of another I discovered the word I needed was Servicos such a difference to most of the Costas where most of the staff speak better English than I do. It was interesting to find most places had free Wi Fi which helped with being in touch with friends and family through the internet during the trip, although I had paid for an extra package on my mobile to assist me, so I was less dependant on these free services
Bridget had mentioned that she had brought a couple of bedside cabinets over that needed to be assembled so I offered to do this for her, to help repay her kindness, the only problem was she had no tools so she needed to go to another resident to borrow some from them for me
That evening we had pleasant conversation, I tried to get the TV to work, first problem it was set up in Spanish, so as there was no manual I needed to get it to translate to English first, unfortunately despite this could not get any reception on it so back to chat and UNO which I was becoming quite proficient at.
I think it was today we had problems with the toilet flushing in the underbuild, it had a macerator as it had to pump the water etc upstairs, plumber came and said was Kaput, but would contact another plumber to advise
After breakfast we went to a Carre Four supermarket which was much bigger and sold a whole range of goods, Bridget was able to pick up some items for the flat and decided to purchase a cd player, I suggested maybe a DVD would be more versatile, but we ended up with the one she wanted which also had a radio, I said I would like to pay for this as she was not charging me for my accommodation. I seem to think today we went down to the beach for a paddle in the sea, it was warm enough for shorts and a t shirt, the only issue I discovered later was that the local insects decided I was new blood and they all wanted a taste, so I soon had a number of bites showing on my arms and legs. I felt I needed a rest later so the two ladies went off to the castle up on the hill for a look.
I seem to think again we went out for our usual café con leche in the morning but then another meal later in the day, such a shame I did not keep a record of what we did, I think it would of helped make this more interesting reading. That evening I started to assemble the first cabinet, which was a slow process, I think it was this evening that the neighbour Francis came over and joined us for the card games.
The next morning after breakfast we went to the local Terreros market I was sent for some tomatoes and naranja by Bridget, because I could pick my own I did not need to use my very poor version of the words and just paid. We then went for churros as many of the locals did, they were pleasant to eat but also, it was interesting to observe how the man made them. Later we went out for a trip in the car to Cuevas Del Almanzora. I seem to think we stopped there for our by now usual café con leche and met Bridgets friend Anita. After that we returned back to the villa. I am unsure what we did the rest of the day, but want to think it was today I went up to find out what the problem was with the aerial, in fact someone had stolen the huge dish that was on the roof, that’s why there was no reception on the TV. Think it was this night we had the beautiful sunset, then I finished the first cabinet and we played UNO again.
Not sure if it was when second plumber called, seemed to think he could solve the problem
Today we went to Villaricos Garucha and Majacar Playa and Pueblo, I think it was here we saw the strange shapes that that had been made in the rock, then we looked at the stunning views across the valley, followed by a pleasant meal, later back to putting the second cabinet together and relaxing in the evening yet again
23/10/2018Bridget again took us out for a drive it was overcast today in her car first to Bol Nuevo then Puerto De Mazrarran, as we approached all of a sudden the heavens opened and the rain came down in buckets, the streets were like rivers. We parked up and I had to negotiate the areas that the water was less deep, whilst the ladies were okay in their sandals. We went into a restaurant for a drink and a chat, I could not believe when we came out the difference the sky was blue and the water had disappeared. We then drove further along the coast and Bridget showed us some rather strange rocks that had been turned into odd shapes by the weather over time. In the afternoon on the way back we went on the old road rather than the motorway and found a lovely little café, with Spanish men playing dominos, it was just as it must have been in the past. We had a drink and watched an old man with his stick stop for a rest, was one of those moments when it all looked so peaceful and a reminder of how Spain used to be. Just for a change we had a relaxing evening that nightOne of the things that we struggled with, well particularly Karen and I was the insect bites, we did not notice at the time we were bitten, but they were both painful and irritating for days later, despite spraying rooms and putting on medication, in fact I still have some of the scars from them
For some reason I cannot see anything to tell me what we did this day, but I presume yet again it was to unspoilt places in good company. Could have been day that third plumber came from agency, said toilet needed replacing.
25/10/2018I think today was the day Karen left us, which was sad, we set off for Murcia airport using Bridgets sat nav to help us find our way, I had also programed the place into my phone, it was a pleasant drive, but I had not been aware that there are two airports in Murcia, one of which has not opened yet. Therefore when Bridget said we were going the wrong way, I thought it odd because usually sat navs tend to be out of date so I was sure we were going to the old one. We were close to the airport and Bridget who had picked Karen up said we were at the wrong airport, shortly after we were guided by the sat nav up a small road that was a dead end. Luckily a motorcyclist came along and was kind enough to guide us back on the right route. Sadly soon we had to say goodbye to Karen and return back to the villa. I moved my stuff up to the other bedroom, but unfortunately when I went to bed I struggled as the mattress was so firm.
26/10/2018The next morning I explained to Bridget about the mattress and that I was moving back down to the underbuild, which I found so much more comfortable. So again everything was packed and moved. I think today we had a trip down to the town centre and a paddle in the sea, then a meal at one of the cafes. It was much quieter and I feel we both missed Karens presence, just for a change we played UNO again. I had tried to sort out getting back to Almeria either by bus or shuttle but nobody seemed to be responding to my e mails.
Today after breakfast. Plumber appeared and took unit in toilet to be repaired, I seem to think we went to Mojacar and Bridget showed me an area where the water from the mountain came that was good quality so we filled our bottles but in the old days, was where the locals used to do their washing. Then off to Turres in the mountains, again the rain came down in buckets, but I still felt safe with Bridget driving us. There were plenty of hairpin bends as we drove up but luckily nobody coming the other way. We eventually stopped and parked, the building were all more traditional I felt than in the towns and villages and generally much larger, Bridget had hoped to take us to a restaurant high up, unfortunately it was closed but we were still able to appreciate the stunning views, before our trip back down again28/10/2018
This morning we got up and the sky looked clear so I put on shorts and a T shirt before we went to the market in town. Quickly the temperature dropped and I felt the cold, but also rather foolish as everyone else was dressed more sensibly. My task as usual was to go to the vegetable stall for tomatoes naranja and this time limons, I liked the look of the apples so got a couple of those also. We then had our choros with chocolate, which I enjoyed despite the cold, then a pleasant walk back to the villa. I think it was today I finally saw a bus and realized where the bus stop was and it had the times, so considered that as the easiest way back to Almeria. I seem to think we had our evening meal late today in the village.
One of the things I was surprised about was how many Chinese shops there were selling tools and household goods, the range they had was enormous and the prices quite cheap, I presume they did so well because there was nowhere else that sold similar small items for those owning or renting accommodation in the area
Waited in for plumber who did not appear, we had a game of Petanque (boules) on the carpark area, was a change and Bridget much better at it than I was, then into village for something to eat, as usual, it was well presented good food. Tried again to sort out transport finally arranged shuttle for tomorrow to pick me up where dropped off, Bridget would drive me there.
Well up early and packed, bedding in the washer, felt sad that would be leaving, have really enjoyed time with Bridget and Karen, so refreshing after the last couple of months. My phone rang was an unknown English number so ignored. A little later was checking e mail and discovered that they had changed time of shuttle to 8 30 today. With help from Bridget, rang them and managed to sort out to pick up at 2 30pm, so time to get sorting out. Had last game of Petanque, think I need to practice a little more. Then off to pick up for shuttle. We arrived early and went for a coffee then a walk round the area, then for a last Chinese meal before we said goodbye. Shuttle was early so off we set, felt sad at going, the shuttle picked up a family, none spoke to me or themselves seemed odd but there we go. Got to airport, looked for bus but could not find, so got in taxi, it had a low roof so cracked head on roof, not a good start, quickly was at hotel, then shock of find for 4 miles was 20 euros, paid and went into hotel.
Quickly signed in and went to room, it was huge, each bed was the size of a double, a huge balcony and view of the beach. I unpacked, decided to have a bath, I used their shower gel, well it’s a long time since I have seen so many bubbles. The bath was quite low, but got in okay, enjoyed the time to just relax, but when tried to get out there was nothing to hang onto, so was quite embarrassing, eventually succeeded, when dried off switched TV on, 50 channels of Spanish TV and one English news channel and a couple of US ones, so back to kindle for a read.
Later went downstairs for a look round, sadly was raining when went outside, there were no shops or restaurants close to, did find bus stop and that it fitted in with time I wanted to leave the next morning. Went back in asked about where to obtain meal, returned to room, took off coat to hang in bathroom, noticed tiles in bottom of the bath, all very odd, saw cleaner brought her in she rang through to get someone to sort out. Nobody arrived so downstairs to reception, lady there said someone would come quickly and any problems they would move me to another room. Man came cleared up confirmed other tiles secure, decided would have shower next morning just to make sure, so decided to stay in this room.
Went down for meal, was buffet meal in restaurant, had a reasonable range of food, so enjoyed this before returning to room. Had booked breakfast for 6 30am. Did not sleep well and was up at 5am, had shower packed then down for breakfast, They had plated a meal for me, which was more than enough. After back to room, then downstairs to book out, this was done quickly, then asked about bus service and taxi as an alternative, seems 20 euros is the standard charge so decided would try bus instead. This quickly came, cost 1 05 euros and there was signage to show where stops were. The bus filled but we got no nearer to airport, it seemed to wander round all the local streets. Eventually finally got there, airport is small and was deserted so quickly sorted out check in. Explained wanted assistance with boarding plane so man came was quickly taken through security etc, could relax and have coffee before boarded plane.It was Thomas Cook plane and distance between seats was little and child in front was one of those that seemed to have a need to keep bouncing on it. Finally landed Manchester, waited for everyone to disembark, then for wheelchair to arrive, seemed they had only sent 2 staff for eight people, so volunteered to walk rather than wait. Finally got to baggage reclaim , for some reason there were two conveyor belts. Case turned up and left, then realized was at terminal one not two, so then had a long walk to rail station, luckily train was in , at Manchester short wait for tram, then bus to home at last. I had been travelling for over 6 hours.
First task to put washer full of clothes on, read post and even more important to warm flat up as temperature was around 5 degrees as opposed to 15 back in Spain.
Well that’s the end folks I hope you enjoyed the blog and photos, just to say yet again so many thanks to Bridget and Karen for such a great time
My thoughts as I have now become the age of 65+ and my efforts to show that age does not stop us having fun as well as opinions
Showing posts with label spain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spain. Show all posts
6 Jan 2014
29 December 2013 Another Wander Round The Sights Of Malaga
Got up late this morning, yet again air con man did not arrive, others still not up so first task breakfast, eventually they appeared, suggested that maybe Brian should be accommodated so asked what he wanted to do, seemed he wished an easy day, so relaxed in the morning, apart for brief trip by the other two to supermarket next door, decision eventually was to go out for walk possibly have sandwich for lunch, then meal later, many families yet again out today, more shops open than would of thought.
Seemed to be a problem finding place to eat so continued walking, had a look at cathedral heard woman’s voice singing wad not sure of location, eventually discovered was elderly lady near cathedral, she had a beautiful voice, shame we did not stop to listen, had a look round inside cathedral seems took over 2 centuries to build(sounds like typical British builders) then went to site of ancient ruins, wandered round, took photos, seemed very popular, the others decided to have a closer look, before that listened briefly to man playing his harp, whilst waiting people watched, back hurting so went for walk to ease it, noticed pleasant walk up hill so may go back and explore another day.
When others appeared carried on looking for elusive cafe in the end decision was to go to usual cafe, on arrival owner not there but pleasant young woman, seemed uncertain if would be open in the evening so pizza it was again with idea that we have something light in the evening
I mentioned whilst waiting for meal how in my marriage, often we would find a good restaurant, shop etc that seamed to tick all the boxes but so often, then for reasons I have never figured, we then had to explore everywhere else in case, but then ended up back at first place, in terms of food it usually meant I was famished when finally resolved and that this was part of why these days often it is easier for me to go to fast food places such as McDonald's, as I know what they sell, its consistent and quick, obviously its a personal point of view and for some the search is part of the task.
I also mentioned that I had realised the difference in the three of us when on holiday, which i had never thought of in the past in that Zorro and Brian loved to soak up the whole culture, including the language and buildings, whereas, I personally, preferred to people watch and often see places more as a photography opportunity, not that either was wrong just different, maybe when planning my holidays in the future it is something to consider regarding priorities
The young woman made the pizzas much quicker but just as enjoyable to eat. After the meal we made our way back to the apartment, I went for a lie down and a painkiller, it wad over 2 hours before I woke, Zorro was watching a film on his computer, Brian was watching TV, we chatted for some time on a range of topics, was still feeling dopey from the effect of medication and for time after. Later decided we would have a sandwich to eat as was getting late in the day, Zorro, spent the evening watching movies, whilst chatting I caught up with e mail etc, seems from Facebook grand daughter had broken down in her car but eventually rescued, must check tomorrow what happened, also noticed younger one seeking a flat for herself in the new year, its amazing how I know more about their life through it than have ever known previously.
Brian eventually went to bed and Zorro quickly followed, I was going to stay up but back started aching again, so here I am listening first to Anita Harris, singing one of my favourite but with a reminder of a time in my life when I was saddest the song Sam, which still has an effect 40 years on, then Barbra Streisand with quite a different mixture of songs. Well so far have not heard the bin men not sure if have not heard due to music or have yet to have the pleasure, oh dear spoke to soon, they have just arrived, oh dear, so will find more lively music to drown them out so maybe a good time to finish the blog, goodnight readers.
Barbra Streisand,
26 December 2013 Our Trip To Torrablanca
Hello folks well today has been quite different, I slept in after a bad nights sleep, back was playing up, others were up and ready, had breakfast then trip to station to buy oldies card to get discount on trains, plus booked trip to Seville on Saturday(later learnt is only day this week will rain)
Then off to Torrablanca by train, had a walk up to the hill where there is Black Bull on top then back down for rest and a drink, temperature was 18 so to warm given the amount of clothes we had one but locals dressed for winter, not sure why he was hangin g from a window he had a familiar red suit on I have seen somewhere else, got bus to Fuengirola then went for a meal, after went do some shopping, then train back.
I forgot to mention earlier that the air con failed this morning, on return still would not work so called owners son, I went to bed for a sleep, he arrived some time later he could not solve it, luckily place was warm and he said would sort out later, so we changed our plans for the evening meal so could be back early.
Went to McDonald's for quick easy meal as was dark took plenty of photos of lights, plus could not believe how busy malaga was with lots of families out celebrating, I had a CBO and fries, the place was packed with families and very noisy so we were soon out
Returned to apartment settled down discussed plans for tomorrow, man never turned up, so hope arrives tomorrow just in case. Watched some TV had chats on range of subjects, Zorro went to bed an Brian also shortly after, I caught up with e mails and Facebook so just finishing this off before going to bed myself. I have started reading Hans Christian Anderson's fairy stories believe it or not they make good reading from an adult point of view
Santa Claus,
13 Dec 2013
Our Christmas trip to Malaga 2013
Our Christmas trip to Malaga 2013
Early on this year the three of us met that is to say myself Brian and Zorro not long after the Christmas and new year celebrations and all agreed that in 2013 we wanted to do something different this year over the Christmas and New Year period. We talked about options and decided we wanted to go to somewhere warm but not to far away or expensive over the whole 10 day period.
After some discussion and research we finally settled on Malaga in Spain, the next task was to find accommodation, hotels were very expensive for the time of year, so we looked at hostels their equivalent to our guest houses. Eventually I found one that seemed to tick all the boxes, because we all wanted single rooms in a pleasant setting.
Just before booking I noticed the company also had a range of apartments, including one in the city centre, it had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and from the photos looked like it would suit our needs and the price seemed quite reasonable compared to anything else.
So I e mailed to the others who were happy with it. I e mailed the owner who confirmed it was free, so we booked it, there seemed to be some confusion with communication so I passed to Zorro as he is competent in written and spoken Spanish and all was solved, all they wanted was a small deposit which was sent to them
Next was to find a flight for myself and Brian as Zorro was making his own arrangements, I looked at a range of airlines and then came the shock, the prices were way more than some of the holidays we had been on, also I could not find a single company that would do the return trip for our dates, so have therefore had to book with two low cost(but not in this instance) airlines, the times of flights are not the best either, but it should be a pleasant break in reasonable weather.
Zorro kindly made contact with the owners the other day and all is well for our booking, the hotel was outside Malaga and up a hill so as well we are placed in the centre, the only problems at present are that we still do not have information on how to gain access to the apartment and, wet weather may occur so unsure what sort of clothes to take for the trip, I now have my money for share of accomodation and some spending money, next task is how to get to the airport, whether due to time of flight and need to be there at 5am, to use a taxi or pay for car parking near to the airport, I have obtained our boarding cards for flight out, must remember to do the ones for return journey tomorrow
Well all boarding cards sorted, we have decided to book a taxi and that is all done despite fact initially I gave the wrong date, now waiting to hear from Zorro, discussed luggage allowance, hopefully will only need light clothing, but from weather outside here at present is a good time to get away, we have high winds and heavy rain. I need to sort out my porridge for the trip LOL.
20 December 2013
heard again from Zorro, he has sorted out access to the apartment, weather fine, only issue is that lift at station not working so he will come and meet us at airport. Bad news at present is that back is playing up, wonder why it always seems to be just before a holiday, am charging up batteries for devices, what change these days with all this technology, that need chargers as a priority, together with various medication, just in case.
25 Sept 2013
An Update on My Blog and Life September 2013
I have just been looking back at some of the statistics to do with my blog, I had forgotten that I first started it back in 2006, it was a way to share some of my life with family and friends and also to talk about subjects that I felt may be of interest to others, such as my holidays. From reading the statistics I was quite surprised to see I had posted 109 posts and that the post had been viewed over 5000 times by people in different parts of the world. So I would like to thank all you readers for the time you have taken reading the blog and your comments, by the way I have now opened comments up to anybody on the blog, but I am also pleased when people email me to say they have just enjoyed it also.
This year I seem to have had a fair bit of time in hospital, first to do with my prostate, then my nosebleeds, let’s hope that’s the end of these, in a couple of weeks I am trying a course called breath works that is supposed to help me make the most of my health it will be interesting to see what happens with this. My physio also tells me that if I really wanted to, more could be achieved with my neck and spine to stop the deterioration, the only problem would be that I would have to have intensive work for at least three months and spend much more time in maintaining my health. At present I am unsure whether or not I am that committed and with all that is going on in my life, unable to decide whether I would go without the lifestyle I have now in the chance that my posture would improve.
More by coincidence than anything else, this year seems to of been filled with holidays and short breaks, plus a range of other activities that have included joining U3A which is opening up a whole range of other interests and activities. The latest of these is joining a photography group and attending the general meeting once a month, with talks by a female racing driver, about how the ability to laugh can help us to maintain our health, I look forward to the future meetings with great interest. The local branch is doing work to keep better records of the membership, so I have become involved in creating a database for this very task, it is a reminder that we can always change our direction and develop new skills.
Unfortunately the case I have been involved in for over two years, was lost but some useful things have come out of it and hopefully other people in the future or benefit from the lessons learnt. I am still acting as advocate in the same case regarding the funding by the NHS for continuing care, I am hopeful of a positive outcome eventually, but so far I do worry about the obstacles placed by the NHS in the way of people who seek continuing care funding from the NHS, even more worrying is the shortage of agencies who can advise and support people on this path, when they other people who are being cared are coping with serious illness or disability and find they have this huge amount of stress to obtain resources that should be made much simpler to obtain at the time when people are in the greatest need, rather than a process which appears designed to protect the budget rather than the individual and their nursing needs.
On a brighter note this year I am planning to go to Malaga with two friends over the Christmas new year period as a change from the usual routine, am hoping that the weather is kind to us and there is no rain, I will be taking my tablet and hopefully recording our adventures, at present there is discussion about a trip to Madrid and/or North Africa within the time we have.
This year I seem to have had a fair bit of time in hospital, first to do with my prostate, then my nosebleeds, let’s hope that’s the end of these, in a couple of weeks I am trying a course called breath works that is supposed to help me make the most of my health it will be interesting to see what happens with this. My physio also tells me that if I really wanted to, more could be achieved with my neck and spine to stop the deterioration, the only problem would be that I would have to have intensive work for at least three months and spend much more time in maintaining my health. At present I am unsure whether or not I am that committed and with all that is going on in my life, unable to decide whether I would go without the lifestyle I have now in the chance that my posture would improve.
More by coincidence than anything else, this year seems to of been filled with holidays and short breaks, plus a range of other activities that have included joining U3A which is opening up a whole range of other interests and activities. The latest of these is joining a photography group and attending the general meeting once a month, with talks by a female racing driver, about how the ability to laugh can help us to maintain our health, I look forward to the future meetings with great interest. The local branch is doing work to keep better records of the membership, so I have become involved in creating a database for this very task, it is a reminder that we can always change our direction and develop new skills.
Unfortunately the case I have been involved in for over two years, was lost but some useful things have come out of it and hopefully other people in the future or benefit from the lessons learnt. I am still acting as advocate in the same case regarding the funding by the NHS for continuing care, I am hopeful of a positive outcome eventually, but so far I do worry about the obstacles placed by the NHS in the way of people who seek continuing care funding from the NHS, even more worrying is the shortage of agencies who can advise and support people on this path, when they other people who are being cared are coping with serious illness or disability and find they have this huge amount of stress to obtain resources that should be made much simpler to obtain at the time when people are in the greatest need, rather than a process which appears designed to protect the budget rather than the individual and their nursing needs.
On a brighter note this year I am planning to go to Malaga with two friends over the Christmas new year period as a change from the usual routine, am hoping that the weather is kind to us and there is no rain, I will be taking my tablet and hopefully recording our adventures, at present there is discussion about a trip to Madrid and/or North Africa within the time we have.
blog health,
continuing care,
10 Apr 2007
Yet another new Blog where will it all end
10 April 2007
Well all you readers I have finally done it despite all the pain I have created my new blog which you can view through the link.
This is despite all the pain I am having at present, mainly because it had to be done.
Have you guessed where the location was, it was in fact in Ronda, in Spain.
Further good news, as you will know I have contacted everybody & already Hamster has offered to take up the challenge & provide some photos from an exotic location.

My friend Kath told me today that she has one of her photos on show at Manchester Art Gallery so to save you the trip I hope to show it on my Blog in the near future, fancy me having such talented friends.
Now for the bad news, it is possible that I may be arranging another concert for Bury Shopmobility & possibly have my first act, so you will have to put up with the ups & downs of this as the year goes on.
Even worse I will shortly be building up to finding my costume for my birthday fancy dress, also Brian & I went to check the building for the venue was still there yesterday, I will be keeping you up to date on progress, as we get nearer.
Well all you readers I have finally done it despite all the pain I have created my new blog which you can view through the link.
This is despite all the pain I am having at present, mainly because it had to be done.
Have you guessed where the location was, it was in fact in Ronda, in Spain.
Further good news, as you will know I have contacted everybody & already Hamster has offered to take up the challenge & provide some photos from an exotic location.
My friend Kath told me today that she has one of her photos on show at Manchester Art Gallery so to save you the trip I hope to show it on my Blog in the near future, fancy me having such talented friends.
Now for the bad news, it is possible that I may be arranging another concert for Bury Shopmobility & possibly have my first act, so you will have to put up with the ups & downs of this as the year goes on.
Even worse I will shortly be building up to finding my costume for my birthday fancy dress, also Brian & I went to check the building for the venue was still there yesterday, I will be keeping you up to date on progress, as we get nearer.
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