I have been investigated for over 12 months for problems with my back & other skeletal problems, i am finding there are more & more things wrong, but we will see what the outcome is
Anyway back to the plot, the last consultant I saw very unusually sent me a copy of his letter explaining the findings & what happens next, no problem so far
Got to the bottom of the page & something caught my eye, Spinal
Carsinosis it said, uumm said I, googled it, now no going off & trying it if you dont know what it is:) well it said it was I thought it meant, so thought this cant be true so googled again, well what to do now, uumm dont panic,
Anyway back to the plot, the last consultant I saw very unusually sent me a copy of his letter explaining the findings & what happens next, no problem so far
Got to the bottom of the page & something caught my eye, Spinal
so the next day after not telling anyone, was i brave or stupid dont know, contacted consultants secretary said wanted to speak to him, but dident say why, he rang me later & we discussed the results then I said, now about these 2 little words at the bottom oh said he I was going to contact you about that, I really must apologise its a typing error it should of been an L not an R therefore calcinosis, not nice but infinitely better, we chatted about this & I was suitably relieved,
people say I should of complained screamed shouted & all sorts of other things, why did I not panic, I wish I knew, maybe its because I am a fatalist or maybe i am to daft, or maybe even I was in shock, but I think in reality knowing how the system works I had been seen by 2 consultants & my own GP so if it was so surely someone would of mentioned it before, what to make of it all relief was the best only problem is that others have told me off for not telling them of it, cant win sometimes can we