Well the first Blog has gone out so thought I would try another whilst I have your attention so here goes.
This year I and 2 friends decided we would go to Proms in The Park for the experiance of A Lifetime, because we had been watching Last Night of The Proms on TV for years.
Because 2 of us have mobility problems we arrived early to find a suitable place to camp with our table, chairs, food kettle stove etc. The weather was ideal although we had come prepared for a soaking as there had been last year
We checked the platform erected for people with mobility problems which was well placed, sadly the toilets were a quarter of a mile away at the top of a hill, so thinking of our bladders and the time and energy that would be involved we decided to move up the hill to the back for a better view which worked very well the time was now appox 6pm.
The sound was clear & not to intrusive, what it was like at the front I can't imagine, so we settled down for an evenings entertainment, which generally was very good, although, the low point was half an hour of adverts for National Savings and the fact that there were hundreds of people queuing for the toilets ( I think there were about 8 for 10,000 people) but being disabled has its advantages at least they let us use ours.
I was suprised because there did not appear to be that many people at the event early on but as it got darker more arrived including a young couple who decide the best position to watch the entertainment was lay on the floor which i imagine was quite cold, their situation was made worse by the fact that it was now quite dark and people did not appear to of considered that there may be Promenaders so low on the ground.
We finally reached the part we had waited all night for the singing, I was suprised because although the people at the front were singing their hearts out, from about a third back of the crowd it was distinctly quiet and our little groups singing & clapping did not seem to make up for the silent majority ( what on earth were they there for if not to join in).
Eventually we sadly reached the end but just before that 2 of our group me being one needed the toilet which worked out very well because just as we finished our visit to the toilet the fireworks went off at the back of the hall where most of the audience could not see them, so I have include a couple of photos for you to admire.
The evening was a great success & we plan another visit next year well done BBC