I have decided that now is a good time to start telling you about how the plans are going for my 60th birthday in 2007.
For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting this latest episode in my life, here we go.
Well I have sorted out the type of event which is to be fancy dress and the theme is to be musicals.
The next task was to decide a suitable costume, which those of you who have read my blog in detail will remember that I finally decided on a couple of ideas which I hope will work out but so as not to spoil the surprise I will keep secret until the day.
Some of you readers will already have been invited to the event, although I have not yet confirmed the date or venue, which I am hoping to do provisionally with your Christmas cards so you will have no excuse for saying I did not give enough notice.
The venue has been the main dilemma because some of my guests have mobility difficulties, one cannot cope with lifts and everybody has been giving me lots of places that may be suitable.
Well I decided on Radcliffe Civic suite, which was close to most of my guests, decided the price was okay and the facilities fitted my needs, so last week went to book, but was told one room was too big, and guess what the other was to small.
I then tried a range of other venues with little success but now feel at long last I have found the right venue, on a date close enough to my birthday. The only problems now are paying, and sorting out equipment that has to be passed as electrically safe for the disc jockey to use.
I will now have to start sorting out my costume, first to see if I can hire it, have it made, or find something not quite so different or original.
15 December 2006
Great news I have sorted out the venue and date, the provisional invitations have gone out and the deposit is paid at long last.