6 Jan 2015

Thoughts on 2014

I know this is a little late but still good to look back at the last year of 2014, which has been a very eventful year mainly full of happy times with a number of ticks against my bucket list.

My last blog tells of the fantastic news that I had sisters and family I never knew existed,  meeting the various people has bern such a bonus to my life, but I think it is still wonderful that I have regular contact with my son and his family even if only through Facebook and Skype.

If you have followed my blog you will be aware that in terms of holidays this has been a good year for me,  my trip on safari in Africa was unforgettable,  although I still have not sorted out my video and photos yet.
But then the great round the world trip in November,  initially with my son to fulfill some of his wish list, but also for me as a bonus to share quality time in exciting and restful time with him for our first holiday for just the 2 of us in his life, but then so much more that I saw, so far there are no more grand plans for so much, I realised that sometimes having less flying time and less responsibility will be good for me but also to be on holiday with others is something I prefer yo being a lone traveller. I nearly forgot to say how great it was to spend a few days with my friend Paul in Penang, its a reminder to do these things whilst you can rather than talk about them, thanks Paul.

Through the ex Saga group Buzz I have had a number of adventures in this country and met more people, I have continued to meet up with Brian and Andy on a regular basis and look forward to a holiday maybe in the coming year.

I also started a relationship with Jane in 2014 although we had met the previous year, she has been a huge influence on me in all sorts of ways often quite quietly, listening and discussing with me the issues that come up in life, she makes me smile and feel happy this Christmas was made one of the best I can ever remember by her, her company had helped me feel less lonely and isolated I slso hope I have helped her in her life, at present we have a series of trips to look forward and I feel we grow closer and closer, if you read this Jane thanks for a special year.

I finally stopped fighting with the NHS locally about funding for a former client, I realised I may one day win but nobody else cared and it was good friend who pointed out there were bettet ways gor me to expend my time and energy.  I have also bern helping someone else cope with the appalling way they have been treated by the system, I could not believe that someone who had done nothing wrong other than want the best for their children should have their familes life put through such hell with no evidence, lets hope as we have bern led to believe at long last common sense has worked but how long before they recover from the emotional toll it had taken of their lives,  lets hope that now work is done to help them to move on and leave it behind.

Well I have most probably left important things out but not to worry, at present I am looking forward to 2015 being an enjoyable but more relaxing year and to being able to post even more of my life for you the readers, thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

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