Sorry about the delay in posting but life has been busy but not particularily interesting recently, but all this will now change
We are starting to plan the next concert for early next year, with a new cast of performers, including Pams People(that is Pams,) Whitefield Operatic society, performing some of their work from musicals, a talented young pianist, a dance troupe, sketches from one of our members & any other people we can rope in.
All we have to do now is to agree on a suitable date, possibly late February early March, we
The nice photos of the woods are ones taken by a collegue that I noticed as a background on her computer.
I am still seeing my physio & she is still telling me that my back is one of the tightest she has ever seen, I am still trying to to make light of it, but the pain is not abating yet,(you should see the exercises she has me doing, could put them on UTube if i knew how) so is now suggesting I be referred to a consultant by my GP, I feel we have been here before, lets see how quick this happens this time round.
I forgot to say have heard from Zorro who has totally confused me by going to Spain instead of South America, you would of thought he would of known the differance by now, so I feel this could be fate because I am debating whether to go over to Spain for a week before xmas, so am now looking for a flight & accomodation in the next week or two if possible
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