My thoughts as I have now become the age of 65+ and my efforts to show that age does not stop us having fun as well as opinions
6 Jul 2007
Life Now I Am 60
29 Jun 2007
What Happens Next
Hello readers, I am really pleased that some more people have finally had a look at my blog & I hope that they will continue coming back, so will have to work hard to keep this up.
23 Jun 2007
The Partys Over
These included Laura who was so excited that she started with contractions, and was told to rest, Kath and Harry where health was a problem, as it was for Andy and Sue, you were all sadly missed.
It was great to see all the people that came, some I have known for over 40 years whereas others I have only known for a few short months, I feel that most of the people enjoyed the event, and it was great to see how much effort some had gone to in regard to their costume, although after all I had said I was disappointed that Tony did not come as the policeman from Allo Allo.
I have to say a special thank you to my son and his family, Brian and Tony, the staff at Smithills, and Wally, Amo and Tanya for providing the music and encouraging the entertainment of those that were brave enough to go on the dancefloor.
When I originally thought of this party I decided I was only going to invite nice people who are special to me, from the way the party went and the kindness of all the people I feel I achieved the objective, so thank you all again.
For those who read this but do not know, I had asked that people donate money to provide education for children in Zambia rather than give me presents, I do not know the final total, but with the cheques I have at present, it should pay for education of three children for at least a year.
I will try to give you all an update on how the money is spent when I am informed as well as how much was actually raised.
I have already transferred the video to my DVD recorder so if anybody wants a copy I will happily send one, I am trying to sort out the photographs and any of you who've taken photos at the event who are happy to send me theirs, I will happily put a selection on Flickr for the rest to see.
I am absolutely shattered but my son and family, will be arriving shortly so I will now sign off.
20 Jun 2007
Sixty at Last
Well I have finally got to 60, it doesent seem to of made any difference yet, in fact on the day I only recieved one card in the post, but got a text from my son & grand daughters who will soon arrive for the party.
Later went to shopmobility & was presented with a cake & cards, so felt a little better. When I got home there were birthday wishes from some of my new friends from the message board.
As an anti climax I spent the afternoon at the hospital trying to sort out progress re his discharge.
This morning no cards before I left, but good friend rang about other matters, I thought eventually he would say why he had not been in touch, he did he had been walking in Derbyshire, I felt the need to ask him if he knew what day it was yesterday, Tuesday he said, my birthday said I, he was mortified.
Well went to work & entered our office I had decide that there would be a suprise party at lunch time for me because after all I was 60, I entered our office to the sound of party poppers & "happy birthday" my collegues had come through, the office had been decorated with balloons etc & I was presented with a posh new watch.
Sadly later I was then presented with a huge chocolate fudge cake, how did they know I cant resist this, we took some photos & I e mailed them but they have got lost so will have to post them later.
Came home, another card but where are the rest, hopefully they are going to arrive at my birthday party, if not I have judged the number of my friends very poorly & will not have another party for at least another 10 years when I have got my act together.
Having said that I going out next week for a joint celebration of my birthday & a friends pregnancy, just hope she does not get to excited & have the baby there, I wonder if I could insist that baby be in fancy dress.
17 Jun 2007
Only 5 More Days To Go
Well only the music to sort out now, for the event, plus the the boredom when everyone finally sees the costume, there was me thinking it was a famous musical & when I checked it wasent even in the top 100.
I have just discovered Flickr so when its all over I will upload some of the photos so you can see whether it was all worth while.
As you will all be aware today was fathers day, sadly through circumstance apart from a conversation over the net I was unable to spend the day with any family, maybe next year it will get better, having said that there are other friends who have much greater problems than I
12 Jun 2007
Nearly time for My 60th
My costume is sorted out & I have been cleverer than I thought & found it is quite topical at present.
Not satisfied with one party I am now exploring one at work for all those that can not go to the main event.
Besides this last week I was the official photographer for the local carnival, we had the famous Fred Flintstone & his beautiful wife Wilma as special guests , the only problem was his car being so old it stopped working quite quickly and needed people power to keep it going.
I have just arranged a trip to the Isle of Man with a friend in July, last time I was there it took 8 hours each way and we had 2 hours to see all the sights, so this time it will be for a week and hopefully I will see all the beautiful scenary.
When all this is over I then have to sort out a scooter rally & the next concert fund raisers, just reading through all this I am now feeling quite exausted.
6 Jun 2007
June is busting out all over
19 May 2007
Some More New Adventures Of A Happy Togg
on the cards. I am sure you are all in agreement about this, thanks again AMO, you will go to the party.
The other thing that I have done is to join in with the local ME group forum, sorry I most probably have not told those of you that do not know that, I have had this condition for at least 15 years.
It has been an interesting experiance, both happy & sad, some people are coping in a very positive way as far as i can see, but sadly & maybe with some good reason others are very angry about the condition & their life since ME.
Tomorrow I am going to see a couple of choirs with Brian, so hopefully will report back to you all.
8 May 2007
Back Safe & Sound from Scarborough
My back started to ache so off to the digs I went for a lie down whilst Brian continued to to explore, & we met later early evening to take photos of the beautiful sunset, the only problem was it was nearly an hour before we finally got the photos, what do you think of my effort. Sadly as on my last holiday I had started with blisters on my feet which I feel I will suffer from for the next few weeks.
3 May 2007
We are off on our next adventure, Scarbourough here we come
This next photo was of an even rarer beast that I was lucky to catch because it was ill & a vet known locally as a mechanic had come to make it better.
I am told that again it is a local animal not seen outside the area, also that it has a very unusual name & is called the Number 53 tram but that once they roamed all over Manchester, until as usual progress led to the local authority killing them off apart from a few ones that have been cared for.
Through research I have established that luckily these creatures are thriving in other parts of the world & people have managed to harness them as a form of transport.
Finally when I was just finishing I saw this heron that seemed quite happy & oblivious to all the noise from the people visiting the park, it is hard to think this is so close to a major city