Maybe that’s a good start, I have now been diagnosed with angina & am off for an angiogram in a couple of weeks time to find out what is causing the problem, hopefully it will be nothing invasive, they have already told me that I will be on tablets for the rest of my life, hope they have got it wrong
My other problem with my back seems to be changing to, its funny because I have been the one who origionally wanted the operation, but the thought of the restriction on my life for some time after does not appeal, having said that if the long term will be better it will all be worth it, they are going to review me after heart is sorted out so it seems soon will sorted out & maybe better again
Well back to the adventures first I must tell you of my trip to Llandudno at August bank holiday with Brian & our new mascot Pierre, you may remember him from our earlier trip to Blackpool, but, on with the story, the weather was okay so we spent time taking photos of Pierre in a variety of settings, one being on the beach, I had an idea of getting one of him exploring peoples sandcastles, found a reall
Instead found a less menacing person & on the understanding that we only wanted his sandcastle & not his daughter on the photo, plus that it would feature on my blog, as well as being used to fundraise for a charity I think made his day, I suppose we could of made our own but then we would have had to buy our own buckets & spades & we had photos to take.
Well that evening we decided we would aim to take some stunning photos of sunset from the Great Orme, (not sure think would be classed as large hill rather than mountain) so sought suitable locati
The next day off inland to Betsy Cowyd an area of narural beauty, well it would be but for us and all the other people who had come here to escape the crowds, we had a pleasant walk along the bank of the river looking for some sort of different photo to take as a souvenir of our trip, well that’s the right word because that’s exactly what Brian did, well what a fool I was here was a unique opportunity to get a photo, but being the kind caring person I am I got my priorities right & instead went to rescue his umbrella that had blown onto the bank of the river, whilst he managed to get up only losing a little dignity & no real harm, but in my efforts I nearly fell in the river instead.
For the rest of the trip we were more careful & sadly there were no real photographic opportunities for either of us, having said that it was a pleasant break from normal life if only for a brief time
Our Trip Seeking Emmerdale Viaduct
My next adventure was much more exciting when I went searching for the Emmerdale viaduct with another friend to take photos of it, we knew the location so was this not going to be the easiest experience ever, well no because we could not find the path marked on the map & when we established where we were realised we should have had the map of the next section.
Therefore we first wandered through fields then through someones private drive in our quest only to be told we were on the wrong side of the river & the best way was to take shoes & socks off & roll up trousers & wade across the river, now this is to someone who struggles to balance on a nice flat surface, plus I had my camera to consider, so after directions we set off again,
Now we found a sort of map, but it seemed very odd the route, but it couldent be that far could it, oh yes it could, it was through woods & kindly someone had but boards & handrails for people like me, but quickly the pain set in, & the only thing keeping me going was the sensational photo I was going to get soon, but I got more & more tired the further we walked & my feet were aching in the boots.
Well we eventually got to a point where there was a wire fence & the rain started, seeking shelter there was some sort of brick structure that we could shelter under, hey hang on a minute, it was it was a viaduct, it must be the viaduct, well what was the problem, well it was sounded by trees & there was nowhere to get a good photo of it, just then a nice family came a along & we asked about a quicker easier way back to the car, they gave instructions which included climbing some stairs up to the fields which we did, all I wanted to do now was get back to the car & collapse as soon as possible, cutting a long story short we ended up lost & met up with the family again who suggested we should return to the woods as It was the quickest way back.
Well we did this & the aches & pains as well as breathlessness all got worse the further we went but at least we were on our way back, many of the wood areas had chicken wire on for some reason, it seemed rather odd to me until, when distracted my right foot slipped forward on one that had no wire on (now I know why it was there to stop people slipping) I fell backwards banging my head & spine on the boards, my companion who had been leading turned round at the noise & wondered where I had disappeared to, I eventually I managed to get up but ached all over, at that time I even hoped I had done something to myself which would of meant the emergency helicopter would of come & just lifted me away, unfortunately I was able to stand & walk, but in great pain.
Well you can imagine what the trip back was like from then, my feet were already aching, as was my head & lower back & every step hurt me, why is it always a longer distance when you are exhausted than when feeling happy, I hated every step I took, I suppose I could of asked my companion to put me out of my misery but don’t think he had a gun to do it, sob sob, its all right for you reading this in a nice warm room, for me I just kept thinking what am I doing here, how stupid to of even attempted it given my health & had it made my spine any worse.
Well eventually we got back to the car park & the map, it was no consolation to be told that maybe we should of carried on to the other end of the track by car & walked along the disused railway line, I just wished I had the energy to have a tantrum, oh forgot to say we had not eaten from early morning so was starving as well
We cleaned me up & went to a pub for a meal & the young waitress was lovely when I told her the story even offering me an ice pack to ease the pain, being a martyr I refused, must say was best steak & ale pie have ever had, on the way home slept most of the way, & when got back straight in the bath, well not quite true had to wait for it 20 minutes whilst it filled sob sob
Well the next day went & Googled the viaduct, guess what readers I think it was the wrong one, (stamps feet very hard on the ground in tantrum) so it was all in vain
The pain got worse in lower back so went to see GP, mine not available so saw young locum, who looked young enough to be my grand daughter, she had that sort of disbelieving expression until she saw how badly I was bruised, but said nothing broken just bruising & to take pain killers, it was three weeks before I seemed to get over worst, spent much of my time in bed in the meantime feeling sorry for self
Well will close now until the next great adventure, hopefully will not be so painful
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