Well readers this story goes back some weeks ago, possibly even months ago, when my friend Geoff suggested that it may help him, if we went on a trip to take a photograph or photographs of a

couple viaducts of outstanding beauty.
Of course I agreed this was acknowledgement of my photographic skills, as well as a nice ride in the country, I had initially suggested that he take my camera to save me the trip, but he felt I would do more justice to the subject, how could I refuse.
Time passed and we never seem to quite get round to it, so in the end we agreed on a specific date, because another friend of mine was feeling down I asked if it was possible for her to come along for the trip, which he was agreeable to.
On the day he was ready, flasks, biscuits, all sorts of walking gear, two walking sticks and there was still room for me and him, I explained I only had my normal walking shoes but he felt this was not a problem, so of to Anne’s we went, she was as sensibly dressed as me, in that she had high-heeled shoes which she felt would help with her walking, but otherwise was dressed for the day.
Although Geoff told me where we were going, I had never actually pinned him down to the location of these two viaducts, so after a while, I started to wonder just how far we were travelling, it was about two hours before we finally reached our first destination, New Biggin, he then told us that we now had a long walk, mainly over flat ground, but to reassure us he provided us both with a walking stick, being fair to him, he provided us with a warm drink of

coffee and a biscuit.
We seemed to walk and walk and walk, apart from three walkers, the only other things we met were a group of sheep, who initially ignored us, but then on closer inspection decided to run off into the distance never to be seen again.

Along the way, Geoff pointed out the drovers Bridge and the path up the hill that they used to use, which now I would imagine people would go up on quad bikes, finally in the distance we saw it, Smardale viaduct, I have to admit it was very impressive from a distance, which prompted me to take a couple of photographs, but putting myself at great risk of falling down the hill, the things we do for others.
Well now we were well on our way, and found extra strength for the last lap, as we approached Geoff explained about how the trains used to go along the path we were walking, across the

viaduct, but I cannot remember where the train went after that, we crossed the viaduct and I took a series of other photos, to show the magnificence of the viaduct.
When we checked the time, Geoff announced that we needed to make progress if we were to look at the other viaduct, now at this point I should have realised if it took two hours to get to this viaduct plus the walk maybe it was going to take some time to get to the other one, plus we now had to walk back to the car, which when we were going didn't seem too bad but now, we realised how far we had walked, but never mind hey every day is a new adventure.
Off we set in the car, after another drink coffee, now it gets really complicated, because I was exhausted, and quickly fell asleep, so I am not really sure where we went or how far we travelled before we reached our next destination, I do remember waking up and seeing miles and miles and miles of narrow country lanes, also that the Sun was dipping which may create problems, when I tried to take photos.
Finally we reached our destination, sort of, as far as I can make out we were at Lambley, wherever that is and that we were heading for the Duke of Carlisle's viaduct at New Biggin, Geoff it said that it was not a long walk so we should be okay, well I have to be honest, it wasn't a long walk compared to the other, but it was up and down, over slippy leaves damp soil, plus the light was fast deteriorating.

I have just realised I had not mentioned Anne so far, she seemed to cope remarkably well up to now, but on this path I did get quite concerned, because she had one or two falls, she explained that she was okay going downhill, because high heels helped to balance her out, but the problem was going uphill and that was when she was falling. Despite this she still wanted to continue on the adventure.
Well it got darker & slippier until finally there we were there on top of the viaduct, now you would think this was a good thing, no you cant take a good photo from on top because you cant see the sides very well. I looked over the top to see a bdide in the distance, so said how do we get there so I could get that brilliant photo I was looking for.
Geoff took us off on another trip through the woods, slipping & sliding until we finally got back down to the ground, all the time Geoff was explaining more of the background to the railway line & the viaduct, until we finally reached the bridge, by the way I forgot to say I had taken my digital & SLR cameras to get the best photos, but the SLR had decided to play up, so these are from the digital.
Well now it was getting quite dark, but I tried my best, this is the product of my hard work, it was decided that we needed to come back in the summer on a proper trip, & to explore better places to get a view of the bridge, so finally we slipped & slid back to the proper path & the main road.
It suddenly occurred to me that apart from 2 cups of coffee & 2 chocolate biscuits I had not

eaten all day, so we set off on the path home, Geoff said it wasent far to the motorway & then back home for a meal. I thought this was a positive thing until I saw the sign for Hexham, which I know is in Northumbria.
I then asked Geoff where we had been, he explained we had been to Cumbria as well as Northumbria, no wonder I had fallen asleep on the drive, the short trip to the motorway was over the tops & far away, but yes we did eventually reach the motorway & began the long trek home, never was I so pleased as when we finally got to our turnoff.
When I spoke to Anne later in the week she was happy about the day out & felt quite refreshed, in fact she did not have any bruising from the falls, I spoke to Geoff & he also siad he did not understand why I was so tired, having said that he admitted we had done 3oo miles that day, but was looking forward to the next trip in the new year.
Well I am glad they are happy I am still recovering, but pleased with the digital photos & hope the film ones turn out as well.
Whats the lesson I have learnt, next time ask the location & distance we are travelling & make sure I am fed properly on the way.