14 July 2007
You may be wondering what on earth I mean by the title, well its like this, I came down with a terrible virus, which gave me a truly terrible chesty cough, then my throat started off & it was painful to speak, so rang GP to be told by practice nurse waste of time seeing GP take lots of water & painkillers & eventually it would abate. She did not know I already drink lots of water then spend a fair bit of the day getting rid of it at the toilet.
Spoke to kind caring people about my illness including work, even they sympathised then I got this comment well its only "Man Flu" do these women not realise us men are delicate creatures who struggle to cope with illness because normally we just plod on & put up with what life throws us.
Well on a more serious note my friend Dave has been poorly now for some time & was readmitted to hospital very ill, strangly enough his friend who he looks after was in same hospital, well Dave could not answer questions which posed a problem when his fried suddenly died, we found the friends will, but there were strange complications because Dave was the executer of the will, but eventually we sorted eveything out for the funeral, sadly we felt it best not to tell Dave any of this, even if he could understand.

We tried to find the code for his safe & the keys, its suprising what we did find but still no keys so next week will get locksmith to open safe, see whats inside, hope its worth the bother.
Due to sorting all this stuff out just when I wanted to print out letters my printer went silly, despite all efforts it seems to of had it so today went & bought new photo printer, it is very clever, one day will understand what all the bits do.
Sadly because been ill no chance to obtain MP3 player so will be another new toy next week, I forgot to say my DVD recorder started playing up the other day as well so that has gone to hospital for repair, already missing it & freeview, plus video has problem but supplier has no replacements to offer me at present, it appears nobody is buying videos any more, so I have to hang on until they get more stock in.
I dont know what has happened but someone from Sweden has been looking at my blog, sadly they have not posted a comment on it, also since the party more of you appear to be having a look at it, thank you it encourages me to continue, was going to put new post re Black Puddings but photos not good so will have to go back & get some more, if you readers would supply more it would make my task easier & better for others to look at.
You may be wondering what on earth I mean by the title, well its like this, I came down with a terrible virus, which gave me a truly terrible chesty cough, then my throat started off & it was painful to speak, so rang GP to be told by practice nurse waste of time seeing GP take lots of water & painkillers & eventually it would abate. She did not know I already drink lots of water then spend a fair bit of the day getting rid of it at the toilet.
Spoke to kind caring people about my illness including work, even they sympathised then I got this comment well its only "Man Flu" do these women not realise us men are delicate creatures who struggle to cope with illness because normally we just plod on & put up with what life throws us.
Well on a more serious note my friend Dave has been poorly now for some time & was readmitted to hospital very ill, strangly enough his friend who he looks after was in same hospital, well Dave could not answer questions which posed a problem when his fried suddenly died, we found the friends will, but there were strange complications because Dave was the executer of the will, but eventually we sorted eveything out for the funeral, sadly we felt it best not to tell Dave any of this, even if he could understand.

We tried to find the code for his safe & the keys, its suprising what we did find but still no keys so next week will get locksmith to open safe, see whats inside, hope its worth the bother.
Due to sorting all this stuff out just when I wanted to print out letters my printer went silly, despite all efforts it seems to of had it so today went & bought new photo printer, it is very clever, one day will understand what all the bits do.
Sadly because been ill no chance to obtain MP3 player so will be another new toy next week, I forgot to say my DVD recorder started playing up the other day as well so that has gone to hospital for repair, already missing it & freeview, plus video has problem but supplier has no replacements to offer me at present, it appears nobody is buying videos any more, so I have to hang on until they get more stock in.
I dont know what has happened but someone from Sweden has been looking at my blog, sadly they have not posted a comment on it, also since the party more of you appear to be having a look at it, thank you it encourages me to continue, was going to put new post re Black Puddings but photos not good so will have to go back & get some more, if you readers would supply more it would make my task easier & better for others to look at.
If there are any ME people out there or clever people, please tell me why I keep misspelling words when I know how to, have been trying to use voice recognition which was better than my spelling but at present is to painful due to throat infection.
1 comment:
Never mind printers, I still can not get the scanner to work! I could not spell before the ME so there's no hope for me!!
Joined the scooter gang today. hehehe
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