Friday 13th October 2006
Well I got to the airport was one of the first to check in, asked for a seat with plenty of legroom, after check-in went through security which seems to take longer and longer every time I go away, but it beats hanging around the departure lounge spending money.
Finally got on plane and surprise surprise I had lots of legroom, the downside was that the video that was played in the flight had no sound and nowhere to use headphones so I listened to my MiniDisc player instead. Suddenly there was aloud crash and a woman had fallen between seats. The cabin crew were very quick and efficient at helping her, but then a young woman who would obviously had either too much to drink or eat was sick in the aisle just near her. Now the poor cabin crew had to sort that mess out as well, after that it quietened down.
Finally arrived in Corfu, weather mild, uneventful but long trip to Rebecca Village in Sidari. On the way their I started to think of characters from musicals that I could dress as for my birthday, which helped to pass the time.Checked in receptionist had strange sense of humour because there were no lights on outside the apartment for me to see where I was going which was on the second floor of a block. Unpacked then went on balcony to look at the view which is beautiful as can be seen from my photo.
Apartment was pleasant but unfortunately I was exhausted after ten hours of travelling local time was now 6:30 AM, unpacked then went to bed
14th October 2006
Woke to loud bang, went to door nobody was there, but they were more which I now realised were gunshots in the distance, got washed and dressed and tried to make sense of the rough map provided by reception and set off for the shops. Fortunately very nice man carrying a baguette who I later learnt was called David of the(Adams family) offered me a lift to the supermarket which I was glad to take up so had my first trip to buy food which I later found out would of taken me 30 minutes each way. He also explained the layout of the town and where to rent a car, thanks again David.
Made sandwiches and sat down on the terrace to write up notes for my Blog whilst admiring the beautiful view again. Later went into restaurant at accommodation had breakfast then decided to walk to the shops, took photos on the way, it was a beautiful walk and I was really pleased about having booked the holiday, everything smelled so fresh and the countryside was beautiful greens.
Then got to resort to find it was typical with lots of bars and souvenir shops, not forgetting a local McDonald's, so decided to carry on and find somewhere to buy food from the supermarket that I had previously fled on. Unfortunately it seemed as though I was walking forever.
In true Togg style I then managed to take the wrong turn and ended up totally lost, I stopped to ask local people that their English was as bad as my Greek (none existent) somehow after about an hour when I was totally exhausted, a car stopped and it was that shining white knight David Adams again who apologised that he couldn't give me a left but at least pointed me in the right direction. Never have I been so relieved to see another person in my life I thought I would be wondering the back roads of Sidari for the next few years.
When finally returned to apartment had painkillers and bath then relaxed promising myself not to go and have too many new adventures to soon. Then rested for the rest of the day had a meal then went to bed.
15 October 2006
Unusual for me, I slept for eight hours and had a good night's sleep and woke up at 9 AM. When to supermarket for bread which only took one hour, that had breakfast which I ate on balcony, spent rest of the day sunbathing, listening to my music and reading my book, 1984, which was what I had come away on holiday for.
Went for a quiet relaxing meal unfortunately six unhappy children split a class across three families quickly changed all that circle ate meal quickly and went back up to the room to read my latest book ironically Terry Wogan's “Mustn't Grumble”
16th October 2006
Woke up early couldn't believe how cold it was despite this had breakfast on balcony eventually saw life about 9:30 AM decided to take lazy option still went omnibus to beach not very interesting so returned to apartment had food and realised what a beautiful setting I was staying in, but realised by being on my own that I had not had a conversation and for more than a few minutes which those of you who know me will realise is that unusual.
Went and sat at Pool got chatting to Cassie and her daughter Amy, explained about my Blog and in particular problems I was having trying to buy trainers, they were really helpful and Amy in particular gave me lots of hints about how to find a pair that would suit my needs, so when I return home will try their suggestions.
Whilst having this conversation and I had 2 Tog moments the first was whilst trying to be clever, I could not remember that the capital of West Germany was Berlin, but then I actually showed my real skill and intelligence by losing my glasses, which Amy eventually pointed out I was wearing. After all this effort decided best shut up and sunbathe instead for the rest of the afternoon.
In the evening went into town for evening meal luckily I had remembered my torch because it was pitch black on the approach to the complex, and had another chat with Cassie and Amy returned to room spent an hour trying to find the ticket for my excursion to Albania tomorrow
17th October 2006
Got up early to make sure that I would be one-time for my coach which was already waiting, unfortunately there was no representative on the coach to explain what was happening and when. After various stops to pick up people we finally reached Corfu harbour where a man whose English was not very good explained we were boarding a boat to Albania.
On board the boat was offered extra excursion but refused, journey took 1 1/2 hours, in my haste I had forgotten my coat so with the sea breeze became quite cold, occasionally the representative explained what the various views were, unfortunately his English was poor as was the sound system, so I did not learn very much on the journey. I was not sure if it was just me so I checked with other travellers in case it was another Tog moment but they assured me they had the same problems.
On reaching San Saranda Albania the town seemed very small, we boarded a coach went for a drink, then boarded the coach again, I settled down and we acquired a new courier whose English was much better, he collected the tokens we had but explained to me I had the wrong tokens and it would cost me in 19 euro to stay on the coach, so totally embarrassed I paid the money and stayed on the tour.
We travelled to Butrinti and the courier explained various interesting points on the way. When we got there we spent two hours walking round which surprisingly was quite interesting for me who does not normally enjoy looking at ancient ruins(I am used to seeing one in the mirror each day) and took a series of photos as you can see from this limited selection.
Whilst looking round the ancient site it was interesting that parts of the original structures were still standing that had been built by slaves, when the best that modern workmanship and technology can produce in the present day appears to be a ten-year guarantee bearing in mind that people are now paid to build structures.
Returned to town in coach had meal then saw all highlights of the town including the fountains and the souvenir shop which appeared to be the only shop open, this seemed the total waste of time and possibly was just to take time up until it was time to board the boat again. We then returned to the boat and sailed back which was a great opportunity to take a couple of photos that I think are really good examples of sunsets but still do not do justice to the real thing.
It then seemed very long trip home with lots of people being dropped off all of a sudden the driver realised I was still on board so he had to retrace part of his route to drop me off, finally we reached my destination and in my rush to get off I slipped down the steps in a typical Tog moment losing the tiny bit of dignity that I had left. Returned to apartment had shower then spent a considerable amount of time trying to work out how to switch off the alarm on my watch which I had set that morning unsuccessfully (other Togs beware of clever electronics). Finally went down for meal then joined in general conversation
18th October 2006
woke up late, it was very cold so got up even later when it finally got warmer, decided to have relaxing day so sunbathed for most of the day, and chatted to other residents. In the afternoon when I returned to my room, I realised that I had put after sun cream on instead of protection cream, yet another Tog moment, sadly I was to pay the price for this in two ways, firstly I am still burnt and secondly when I told other residents they were highly amused and I am sure will add it to the list of amusing incidents that I created for them whilst on holiday.
Went with Cassie and Amy for a meal in the town, unfortunately it turned quite cold and the restaurant we went to that should have had a Greek show with a fire show never materialised (possibly that would have kept us warm) so we gave up and went back to the complex to warm up we relaxed by watching Shrek 2 on the TV.
19th October 2006
Got up early again, had breakfast then went to coach, this time much better organised courier was already on the coach, seemed to spend a long time picking people up from various points, unusually it was a double decker coach, we then went to various destinations such as Mouse Island which was very pretty.
We also went to Vlacherena Convent which was also picturesque in a beautiful setting.
We stopped for lunch at Paleocastrititsa which was another lovely little bay with magnificent views.
Finally we go drove up the narrow country roads to the little village of Bella Vista, I was amazed at how the driver managed to negotiate the little winding roads and streets, but when we got there the views were well worth the effort as you can see. Although you cannot see it I enjoyed a beautiful piece of walnut cake with ice cream and syrup whilst enjoying the view.
We then returned and I anticipated telling everybody at the complex about my day out, so had a bath and went down to the restaurant to find it totally deserted, despite this Spiro the waiter opened up the restaurant and arranged for very enjoyable meal for me to eat. After the meal I sat and chatted with some of the other residents who had then appeared.
20th October 2006
For those of you who are now getting bored we are nearing the end.
After a week of lovely weather it was really cold all day. I packed my belongings and moved them into Cassie and Amy's room which we had agreed to share the cost of rather than keep two rooms on until midnight. We then went down to reception who decided this was not a good idea to leave us in their room, instead we were moved to the opposite block on the top floor up three flight of stairs, as were the other residents who were moving out.
Went into Sidari for a break but it was cold and miserable so did not stay too long returned to apartment and spent most of the day just chatting. There was no heating in the apartment so had to put the electric rings on to warm the place up. Went down for meal then afterwards chatted to other residents until it was time to board the coach at 1 PM.
Finally got to airport joined the queue that did not appear to be moving, finally got to front to find that all cabin luggage was also being screened by security. Finally got into departure hall, said goodbye to Cassie and Amy, and went off to board my plane, only to find it was the wrong flight, eventually it appeared my flight was called so joined the queue to find it was another Tog moment it was the wrong airline. Saw another queue so checked and found this was my flight so finally was able to relax on the plane.
For those of you who have good memories you will remember that on the outward flight they played videos with no sound, surprise surprise they did it again. The good news was I could go to sleep until woken by the flight attendant offering a rather strange concoction for breakfast which helped wake me up.
At Manchester no problems my friend Tom arrived promptly to pick me up and his wife Wendy gave me a cup of tea together with some food and a portable TV to keep me going until mine is repaired(see previous Blog)
I would like to say a special thanks to Tom and Wendy for their assistance getting me to and from the airport, and a really special thank you to Cassie and Amy for their time and company putting up with me, tolerating all my strange behaviours, without making me feel foolish.
1 comment:
Glad you enjoyed the experience. Old antique in the mirror eh. No way my friend. Nice piccys as well. Sounds relaxing though.
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