My thoughts as I have now become the age of 65+ and my efforts to show that age does not stop us having fun as well as opinions
6 Jan 2014
1 January 2014 A Trip Up To The Castle
Well readers thats the end of 2013 a very mixed year with a very long different ending to that which I expected, but back to the plot and the latest episode of our trip to Malaga. When I eventually awoke nothing was different, Zorro was sat at his computer Brian in bed, so made my breakfast and discussed plans for today and tomorrow, because he leaves early tomorrow morning for a month in Tenerife. He said he had things he wanted to do today, so would not be joining us when we went out. Heard a noise outside, it was a small group of young people making their way home, they must of been to somewhere formal and the men were dressed in dinner suits but by the look of them still recovering from the night before. Checked Brian ok and eventually he appeared had breakfast, he was still not right with his cold or virus, but wanted to go out.
I was going to charge my mobile phone but the charger has disappeared despite looking everywhere it seems to of gone, so was unable to chance texting or phoning people to wish them a happy new year, because I felt it best to conserve the battery for emergencies, but where is it I have used it whilst on holiday, lets hope it turns up bego5re I go home or I will have to buy a replacement, maybe I can order one online when finished tonight so I will not be stuck
We decided to see if we could find the path up to the castle as it would give very good views and photo opportunities, so off we set. I noticed that the streets had all been cleaned quite different to back home also that the rubbish was being collected from the bins, so different to back home on a bank holiday.
It seemed a long walk to get there but it was a warm pleasant day. eventually we reached the path and started to climb, Brian mentioned that the last time we were here I was reluctant to try the trip up, I did say since then I had had a stent to help with breathing but also this morning a strong painkiller to help with my back pain. He was struggling but I think it was down to the infection he had, so we had frequent rests on the way up but also took plenty of photos on the way.
The views were great at each place we stopped and there were plentiful viewing areas and seats to rest, plus a mixture of people from different countries, we could see the port, the bullring and the bays we had walked along on previous days.
Eventually we reached the top and castle, after discussion we decided to go in, one if the joys of being pensioners was that we paid a much lower price. I forgot to say earlier I had realised very unusually for me I had forgotten my water bottle but was needing a drink with the heat, there was no facility to buy on site, the only water was a dribbling water fountain, today they would of made a lot of money selling soft drinks. We again took lots of photos before deciding to go back, my suggestion was to take the bus but Brian wanted to walk, we reached a compromise and went down the road rather than the path back to the main road.
We then set off towards the botanical gardens, we found a small supermarket and Brian kindly bought me a bottle of water and a Magnum ice cream, so I could take a further pain killer, to help me on the walk back to the flat. We came across 2 sets of cyclists, as at home they were totally oblivious to pedestrians although I felt it wad not an area they should be riding particularly in such large groups.
Eventually we reached the flat I had a sandwich, then a bath as I was exhausted and went to bed for a rest, when I woke Zorro was doing e mail I think whilst Brian cooked us a pleasant stew to use up some of the food we had left then I did another omelette for Brian and I Zorro settled for salmon sandwiches instead. After we say for a while the others watched TV whilst I caught up with things on the Internet. Shortly after Zorro said good night and good bye as he will be leaving before we get up in the morning. Then Brian said he was having an early night also leaving me on my own yet again, never mind, had a couple of e mails from Andy to day he is following my Blog, do that makes at least one reader LOL.
So here I am sat in the living area at the tablet, tonight listening to Nat King Cole as I one figured type this, its coming up to 11 here and there is nothing I can make sense of on the TV so I think shortly I will have an early night, as usual readers thanks for taking the time to read the story.
I must apologise readers for the delay in posting the end of the story, this is down to the fact that somehow I managed to mislay my charger for the tablet, I searched everywhere for it on the last day and again when I got home, plus my friends have checked they did not pick it up, also I did not have a spare charger or connection cable. Also I had acquired a full blown cold possibly the one Brian had and am finally feeling up to the task of writing up the end in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Nat King Cole,
31 December 2013 New Years Eve A Different Beach To Explore
I will start at the end for a change today as its new years eve, I do realise when I am typing this its still not midnight back home, but here its 29 minutes past and I am sat here all on my own, bangers keep going off outside, the good news is that although its a quiet area there are two police cars outside a little down the street.
My two friends retired to bed earlier, I am not into Spanish TV and all my friends seem to of disappeared from the various websites. I would of gone out to see what the crowds are up to but we are still having issues with the lock on the outside door, so here I am sat at the table, at least its warm in here and I am listening to Burt Bacharach as I type.
Earlier I rang my friend Anne back in UK for a chat,(its times like these I really appreciate mobile phones) update and a bit of company, she unlike me wanted to be on her own over the holiday period, we talked about back in the 70s when we first knew each other and rang each other to cope with being on our own and how different it would be one day in the future, well here we both are 40 years on both on our own with nobody for company, well not quite true I suppose she has sleeping cats and I have sleeping friends LOL, where did I go wrong, or maybe this is as good as it gets, at least I am warm and health is not to bad, apart from the pain killers for my bad back
Back to the plot Zorro and I had a lie in no sign of Brian when we got up, had breakfast then checked at 10 he was ok, which resulted in him getting up, we decided to walk down to the port and have a walk along the front, since I was last here they have extended the port do was a longer distance before we reached the promenade.
I walked a little by the sea, it was so quiet without the traffic noise, eventually we came to an area for us oldies to exercise,I should of used tablet to take photos of us children playing instead you will have to wait until I return home readers. Near to there was a very large high chimney, with an even larger one in the distance, we later learnt these were all that was left of a factory, the larger one had a device for measuring time inside.The others felt they had walked long enough, plus they resisted my suggestion of a trip to the nearby Burger King for a Gigantic Whopper so we wandered down the backstreets seeking somewhere for a sandwich. By good luck we came across a small cafe that seemed to fit the bill, the young lady waitress spoke no English so between my sign language and Zorros Spanish we enjoyed drinks and sandwiches. From there I suggested we find somewhere that do cakes to finish off and or an ice-cream.
Zorro led us to the main supermarket where we stocked up with more food for tonight and possibly the rest of our stay, unfortunately we did not find cakes or ice-cream unless we bought a number. As we walked along we noticed a number of people lay down by one of the offices, Zorro mentioned the fact that none seemed to have alcohol, rather water milk or juice we carried on and eventually found a place, we each chose a different one, again there was a strange group of people near one of the churches, going by the mixture and clothing we wondered if they were waiting for some sort of food or other hand out, a sad sign of the times, as we were now tired we went back to the flat, I had a bath then a sleep, whilst the others did tasks on their computers. When I got up I assisted Brian with preparing the meal, which turned out a great success followed by our cream cakes, we then relaxed for a while before as already said they went to bed.
Its now 1.30 and bangers are going off still, its odd there seem to be no pretty fireworks lighting up the sky, I am not sure if we are over the worst or it will get noisier, so going to have a quick look at other sites before I try to sleep
I hope you are enjoying the read and I wish you all
A Happy New Year
New Years Eve
30 December 2013 Our Trip To Alora
It was a bad nights sleep last night maybe due to having a late evening meal and a drink of coffee, had some strange dreams, isn't it odd readers how they are so vivid at the time but then so quickly forgotten when we wake and where do they come from.Well I had better get back to the plot as I read elsewhere my readership may grow a little in the next day or two thanks to the interest of Misty and others on the Senior Friends website.
So I got up fairly early had breakfast, I am not sure if we are getting used to the temperature here as it did not seem that warm, although I am aware its in the 15s, whilst back home you are all suffering with the bad weather, but we put the heating on, oops all was ok until we put the hob and toaster on and the circuit breaker cut out plunging us into darkness, luckily Brian quickly sorted it out, no sign of Zorro yet so we continued with breakfast
Eventually he appeared, we discussed plans for the day and they decided to go shopping whilst I had a shower, then the plan was to go to a little village we had noticed(senior moment will have to name later )Alora which was in a picturesque setting and had a market, so off to the station, now we have the hang of obtaining tickets from machine so waited, train was on time and we had a pleasant trip there.
At the station there was a small bus that took us into the centre, which was just as well going by the winding roads and distance there. We went looking for the market down the narrow steep roads( hopefully when I return home I will put photos on which will show places better) the traffic did not seem interested generally that they nearly ran us over, unfortunately we never found the market but found a small square with the museum and tourist office which were both closed, whilst the others rested I went exploring up a step path finding views across the valley, people who live there must be very fit to cope with the incline and steps.
Next we tried another route that was further along the top of hill, down in the valley was a single horse and goat, I did mention that there was a path down to the rail line, I think the others thought I was serious but in reality you would need the ability of the goat to of coped, there was an old church here slowly being renovated, Zorro and I started back down the slope, whilst Brian stayed to take photos, when we reached the bottom I had a look a bar for drinks but going by the expressions of the old men thought better of it. Instead we went into a small shop and Zorro kindly bought me a drink and some local biscuits, we then sat and patiently waited until Brian joined us, watched by some of the locals.
We then retraced our steps back to the square where the bus had dropped us off, seemed we had a while to wait so had a drink and yet another pizza each, the bus came and went whilst waiting, I had a look at the timetable and said, not to worry there would be another in 30 minutes, when Brian looked I was wrong it was another hour, but we were not in a rush. Eventually it arrived and quickly we were back the train was waiting so we boarded and off we set, I slept most of the journey.
I forgot to say earlier Brian had been starting a cold over the last day or so, I am hoping its the same type as I had a few weeks ago ad could do without yet another, so he was tired and wanted to return to the flat which we did, I went to bed for an hour or do after catching up with FB and e mail, when I got up Zorro was on his computer with no sign of Brian, we decided to leave him to sleep, when I came to bed he had not appeared, hopefully he will be better in the morning.
We discussed what to eat, Zorro decided he only wanted sardines bread and fruit and I decided on eggs and tomatoes yet again but fried this time and to try one of Brian’s persimmons, unfortunately the non stick pan was not so not the most attractive meal I have ever eaten but at least it filled the gap, after Zorro continued with computer as did I for a while, then we chatted until he went to bed and I read the English version of the local paper, I was quite surprised how much the people from other countries put into the area financially and how many have homes here and that its only now that it is being recognised and local government and businesses are at long last doing more to encourage them.
Well as I said I am in bed typing, waiting for our nightly rubbish collection, wonder if I will miss it when I am back home, maybe I should record it to help , me sleep LOL, have put music on random so nice to hear some of my music I had forgotten about
29 December 2013 Another Wander Round The Sights Of Malaga
Got up late this morning, yet again air con man did not arrive, others still not up so first task breakfast, eventually they appeared, suggested that maybe Brian should be accommodated so asked what he wanted to do, seemed he wished an easy day, so relaxed in the morning, apart for brief trip by the other two to supermarket next door, decision eventually was to go out for walk possibly have sandwich for lunch, then meal later, many families yet again out today, more shops open than would of thought.
Seemed to be a problem finding place to eat so continued walking, had a look at cathedral heard woman’s voice singing wad not sure of location, eventually discovered was elderly lady near cathedral, she had a beautiful voice, shame we did not stop to listen, had a look round inside cathedral seems took over 2 centuries to build(sounds like typical British builders) then went to site of ancient ruins, wandered round, took photos, seemed very popular, the others decided to have a closer look, before that listened briefly to man playing his harp, whilst waiting people watched, back hurting so went for walk to ease it, noticed pleasant walk up hill so may go back and explore another day.
When others appeared carried on looking for elusive cafe in the end decision was to go to usual cafe, on arrival owner not there but pleasant young woman, seemed uncertain if would be open in the evening so pizza it was again with idea that we have something light in the evening
I mentioned whilst waiting for meal how in my marriage, often we would find a good restaurant, shop etc that seamed to tick all the boxes but so often, then for reasons I have never figured, we then had to explore everywhere else in case, but then ended up back at first place, in terms of food it usually meant I was famished when finally resolved and that this was part of why these days often it is easier for me to go to fast food places such as McDonald's, as I know what they sell, its consistent and quick, obviously its a personal point of view and for some the search is part of the task.
I also mentioned that I had realised the difference in the three of us when on holiday, which i had never thought of in the past in that Zorro and Brian loved to soak up the whole culture, including the language and buildings, whereas, I personally, preferred to people watch and often see places more as a photography opportunity, not that either was wrong just different, maybe when planning my holidays in the future it is something to consider regarding priorities
The young woman made the pizzas much quicker but just as enjoyable to eat. After the meal we made our way back to the apartment, I went for a lie down and a painkiller, it wad over 2 hours before I woke, Zorro was watching a film on his computer, Brian was watching TV, we chatted for some time on a range of topics, was still feeling dopey from the effect of medication and for time after. Later decided we would have a sandwich to eat as was getting late in the day, Zorro, spent the evening watching movies, whilst chatting I caught up with e mail etc, seems from Facebook grand daughter had broken down in her car but eventually rescued, must check tomorrow what happened, also noticed younger one seeking a flat for herself in the new year, its amazing how I know more about their life through it than have ever known previously.
Brian eventually went to bed and Zorro quickly followed, I was going to stay up but back started aching again, so here I am listening first to Anita Harris, singing one of my favourite but with a reminder of a time in my life when I was saddest the song Sam, which still has an effect 40 years on, then Barbra Streisand with quite a different mixture of songs. Well so far have not heard the bin men not sure if have not heard due to music or have yet to have the pleasure, oh dear spoke to soon, they have just arrived, oh dear, so will find more lively music to drown them out so maybe a good time to finish the blog, goodnight readers.
Barbra Streisand,
28 December 2013 Trip To Seville
Early start, this morning, man should of turned up before 9 30 to solve air con, still waiting. By the way as I type here, it is nearly midnight and the dustbin wagon is outside, just as well not asleep, I am listening to Barbra Streisand on headphones , others had an early night, I have been chatting with son on skype and catching up with e mail.
Back to the plot, we had breakfast then off on trip to Seville, first Brian went for bread and Zorro and I for cheese, mistake was ask them to slice, unfortunately he did it in nice little triangles which took forever, eventually sorted then off to station
.We had reserved seats, Brian got chatting to man in next seat, Zorro and I got into reminisce, then had a read then I nodded off. On arrival noticed McDonald's so we had a coffee(first time have seen separate coffee bar in their places) and our rolls, then on the bus to town. It was very busy and the city was packed.
I wanted to take photos of cathedral and palace, after discussion I went off on own, went up to river and then pleasant walk alongside, got lost, then back on track, lots of tourists at cathedral, walked back to town, the others were already in bus queue, eventually it came was not sure really if it was safe for the number of people crammed on, but seemed to take for ever to get to station, was just enough time to get drink before boarding train.Was tired now so had read of e book for little while then sleep, (am finding some of Andersons stories quite a heavy read), then read a little more then chat with Brian until we reached destination, back to flat in case man came, we decided to stay in and I made yet another omelette for us all, which seemed to be ok for the others, it would of worked better if I had sorted the grill out quicker.
Well thats the end of another busy day, it seems that we are having an easy day tomorrow or today as I now realise looking at the time, hope you are not to bored with reading the blog.
Spain. Seville,
27 December Today The Beach
Had lie in, man did not come so we got ready for trip out, went to hotel to look into meal to celebrate trip, then, Hans Christian Anderson statue to get better photos, then on the bus to beach.I was going to walk on gentle sand as advised by physio, other two sat relaxing found not much sand lots of pebbles, oh forgot had drink, place gave free cake to others with their coffee, crisps to me with my coke, my walk was brief but took photos instead, was very warm, wished had brought hat for protection, had walk then bus back to town.Off to new favourite cafe for drink sandwich, I felt tired so after back to flat, went to bed as did Zorro, Brian went of on walk round town, man did not arrive, later Brian noticed fridge and freezer not working, man had still not arrived.
Tried to contact son on Skype with no success, managed to speak to grand daughter so said would contact on return from meal, was only Zorro and self, Brian had decided to stay, had another typical Spanish dish spaghetti bolognaise followed by apple cake, pleasant conversation with Zorro, returned to flat, had noticed that it was mainly family groups out, quiet and well behaved. Only noticed this evening that we had a sex shop next door hope Brian has not taken any photos or thats my reputation gone lolSeems man came with heater and solved issue with fridge whilst out, just as well as it was turning cold out, checked information about Seville for tomorrow and weather, caught up with e mails and websites, the other two decided to go to bed, tried again contact son, no success, so went on fb again to grand daughter, had chat with her decided to leave skype until tomorrow evening, so now in bed listening to relaxing music whilst writing this up, isn’t technology great at its best
26 December 2013 Our Trip To Torrablanca
Hello folks well today has been quite different, I slept in after a bad nights sleep, back was playing up, others were up and ready, had breakfast then trip to station to buy oldies card to get discount on trains, plus booked trip to Seville on Saturday(later learnt is only day this week will rain)
Then off to Torrablanca by train, had a walk up to the hill where there is Black Bull on top then back down for rest and a drink, temperature was 18 so to warm given the amount of clothes we had one but locals dressed for winter, not sure why he was hangin g from a window he had a familiar red suit on I have seen somewhere else, got bus to Fuengirola then went for a meal, after went do some shopping, then train back.
I forgot to mention earlier that the air con failed this morning, on return still would not work so called owners son, I went to bed for a sleep, he arrived some time later he could not solve it, luckily place was warm and he said would sort out later, so we changed our plans for the evening meal so could be back early.
Went to McDonald's for quick easy meal as was dark took plenty of photos of lights, plus could not believe how busy malaga was with lots of families out celebrating, I had a CBO and fries, the place was packed with families and very noisy so we were soon out
Returned to apartment settled down discussed plans for tomorrow, man never turned up, so hope arrives tomorrow just in case. Watched some TV had chats on range of subjects, Zorro went to bed an Brian also shortly after, I caught up with e mails and Facebook so just finishing this off before going to bed myself. I have started reading Hans Christian Anderson's fairy stories believe it or not they make good reading from an adult point of view
Santa Claus,
Christmas Day 25 December 2013
Did not get up until late, seems Brian had been up for some hours catching up with things on the Internet, it was raining quite hard outside seems Spanish people get as drunk as us British, going by the noise and behaviour he had noticed, had some breakfast, Zorro had got up also by now.
Chatted about plans for next few days and possible trips out, including visit to Porto Banus to see how the other half live, also to TorroBlanca where the advert with black bull stands on a hill overlooking the surrounding countryside giving stunning views
Rang son and family to wish happy Christmas also sent texts and e mails to friends checked Facebook and chatted to friends, at present there are very pleasant smells coming from the kitchen which bods well for our dinner later
Had a look at photos from last night, some are ok others at strange angles, at least I know its not down to, to much alcohol LOL, spent more time just chatting about life, eventually Brian served us a delicious meal, he also had washed most of the pots as well, but Zorro kindly did the rest, afterwards, had a look on TV, was surprised there were no English programmes at all, but lots and lots of Spanish, which were of interest to the other two but not me.
Did establish that weather will be better tomorrow so the plan is to get up 8ish have breakfast get ready then off to the station to find out about the services and possibly travel to TorraBlanca, a meal then make our way to Fuengirola or back to Malaga, do some shopping then back again to apartment
Spent the evening chatting about a range of subjects, including travels we had taken, Brian was tired after all the hard work and a long day so went off to bed, we continued chatting until late, tried to ring son on Skype with no success, will try again tomorrow, came to bedroom checked e mail and Facebook, whilst listening to music, shortly will have a read then off to sleep.
I must apologise readers that today has been so quiet and uneventful hopefully tomorrow I will have much more interesting tales to tell.
Christmas Day,
24 December Christmas Eve Exploring Malaga
For some reason had a very good sleep last night, so did not get up to early, others still fast asleep, so decided to have a relaxing bath did this rinsed some clothes through, by then Zorro awake so had breakfast, no sign of Brian for some time. Later discussed plans for day, decided we would go buy some more food and Brian would do Christmas lunch tomorrow.
So off to the shops, was much longer walk than thought, after lots of confusion I think we finally found all the ingredients we needed, not sure quite why but Brian seemed worried that we needed more water, we had agreed that we would buy from local supermarket rather than carry from across town, seemed an even longer walk back, got 2 lots of water so should be ok
After unpacking we had something light to eat, discussed plans for evening meal and decided we would return to cafe from last night.
Oh I forgot to say lock on door behaved itself but son of owner came with spare key which seemed better, I told others was tired so went to bed for a couple of hours, when got up the others were practising their computer skills, we chatted until went out.
It was quite dark so could see the Christmas lights which were pleasant so we spent time taking photos as we walked, all was well until Brian informed us we were lost, retraced our steps, only to find cafe as so many others was closed, owners son had mentioned that they owned a bar so we walked along to there hoping to find somewhere to eat, but without success. Reached bar but was packed out so decided we would try for Burger King on the main street.
Just before this we came across a statue of Hans Christian Anderson so posed for photos, then Zorro noticed, a McDonald's so we went to go in, sob, sob, they had just closed as had Burger King so we decided to return and make a meal back at the apartment.I volunteered to do us an omelette so back we went.
Well theres nothing worse than when in a strange kitchen having a helpful person such as Brian, so banned him, eventually I worked out how to get everything working and found pans etc, outcome seemed to be suitable for the others but could just of them not wanting to upset me.
After we chatted until gone midnight, then off to bed for me to catch up with blog and e mails and wish friends a happy Christmas, bearing in mind they are an hour behind us here, listened to some music whilst typing
Well readers I suppose this is a good time to wish you all a happy Christmas and that you receive all you are hoping for when you wake in the morning
Hans Christian Anderson,
23 December We Start Our Adventure and Fly To Spain
Well last night I finally sorted out my case, its so hard when you are unsure of where you are staying or what the weather will be like, medication and adaptors packed as well as the scales, got some sleep then was time to get up have breakfast a shower and do all those last tasks.
Taxi arrived on time Brian was also ready so off to the airport, at 3.45 the roads were clear so we made good progress at airport no problems with check in or security, went to get our meal deals but they were sold out, eventually they arrived so bought one Brian had found something already. Soon was time to board the plane, we were on separate sides of the plane in window seats, had a read then nodded off for a while. Had sandwich etc then further sleep, eventually woke and looked at the mountains and valleys, they seemed so small from where we were.
Eventually landed, noticed man on aisle seat had rings made of sovereigns plus a couple of very thick gold chains on his wrist, most probably worth more than our holiday cost.No trouble getting through airport, not sure why but only a few with hold baggage, so off to meet Zorro who was waiting for us, on to the train to the centre and our apartment, it was lucky he knew his way through the back streets. First problem was when we got to the front door the key would not work whatever we did, luckily someone else was going out so let us in.
The apartment was spacious but cold, also it was as if nobody had been in for some time, we managed to find how to work most things, we were going to go shopping, but Zorro said we had to meet owners son to sort out payment and him have sight of our passports, we passed the time making a shopping list and getting the heating working.
Son duly arrived sorted out money etc, mentioned key to front door he was unable to do any better than us, we decided after discussion to do some food shopping then maybe go for a meal after, so emptied our small cases so we could use to transport food. Went on market first for vegetables, then found small local supermarket and bought most things we needed, returned to apartment to have more issues with door, in the end pressed other residents buzzer, unpacked shopping then off to find a meal.
We did not do very well with search for food and it was obvious Brian was getting very tired, fortunately in the end we found a small cafe and had a very enjoyable pizza each, afterwards we returned to the apartment, guess what stuck outside again, someone opened the door just as a young woman was coming in, she summoned someone to sort out the lock, he spent some time explaining to Zorro how to do it, we will see tomorrow, if it helps.
Brian went to bed whilst Zorro and I chatted till late about life, eventually we decided to call it a day, so here I am catching up at the end of a very busy day with the blog and listening to Mantovani, I wonder what new adventure tomorrow will bring.
Taxi arrived on time Brian was also ready so off to the airport, at 3.45 the roads were clear so we made good progress at airport no problems with check in or security, went to get our meal deals but they were sold out, eventually they arrived so bought one Brian had found something already. Soon was time to board the plane, we were on separate sides of the plane in window seats, had a read then nodded off for a while. Had sandwich etc then further sleep, eventually woke and looked at the mountains and valleys, they seemed so small from where we were.
Eventually landed, noticed man on aisle seat had rings made of sovereigns plus a couple of very thick gold chains on his wrist, most probably worth more than our holiday cost.No trouble getting through airport, not sure why but only a few with hold baggage, so off to meet Zorro who was waiting for us, on to the train to the centre and our apartment, it was lucky he knew his way through the back streets. First problem was when we got to the front door the key would not work whatever we did, luckily someone else was going out so let us in.
The apartment was spacious but cold, also it was as if nobody had been in for some time, we managed to find how to work most things, we were going to go shopping, but Zorro said we had to meet owners son to sort out payment and him have sight of our passports, we passed the time making a shopping list and getting the heating working.
Son duly arrived sorted out money etc, mentioned key to front door he was unable to do any better than us, we decided after discussion to do some food shopping then maybe go for a meal after, so emptied our small cases so we could use to transport food. Went on market first for vegetables, then found small local supermarket and bought most things we needed, returned to apartment to have more issues with door, in the end pressed other residents buzzer, unpacked shopping then off to find a meal.
We did not do very well with search for food and it was obvious Brian was getting very tired, fortunately in the end we found a small cafe and had a very enjoyable pizza each, afterwards we returned to the apartment, guess what stuck outside again, someone opened the door just as a young woman was coming in, she summoned someone to sort out the lock, he spent some time explaining to Zorro how to do it, we will see tomorrow, if it helps.
Brian went to bed whilst Zorro and I chatted till late about life, eventually we decided to call it a day, so here I am catching up at the end of a very busy day with the blog and listening to Mantovani, I wonder what new adventure tomorrow will bring.
Malaga Manchester Airport,
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