My thoughts as I have now become the age of 65+ and my efforts to show that age does not stop us having fun as well as opinions
27 Aug 2014
Gulliver Chico Glasser My Story 27 August 2014
Chapter One
Hello, my new travelling companion Jeff has asked me to tell you a little about myself, so its where to begin. I was born at an early age, people say I actually look much younger when I tell them how old I am,(whispers 21) but I think its having my 20 lots of fruit a day helps and until recently all the fresh air and good company. I do struggle that for some strange reason people will insist on feeding me bananas, I know they are good for me, lots of good things, but they do get boring, so now have found a whole new sort of foods that I enjoy much more. My birth sign is Leo so according to what I have read that makes me a lion, no that cant be right but on the other hand.
Chapter Two
Now what other words describe me, handsome, brave, arty, big hearted, inspirational and soon to be famous, yes me in a nutshell. I am very distantly related to one of my famous forbears, I believe he was also a traveller and I hope to visit a few of the places he went such as the Empire State Building, you may of heard of him Mr Kong, I just hope I don’t have the issues he did, don’t expect me to be exploited by Jeff in this way. It would be nice to meet up with a young female who could adapt to my life style but I am in no rush to settle down at present, far to many adventures to have first.
Chapter Three
I started life living with friends and family at a safari park, it was a pleasant place to grow up, plenty of food and company and a fairly constant stream of visitors, but they could get boring with their cameras so its just as well that we had a large fence to keep them out most of the time. As with most young monkeys I got fed up in my teens and decided to have a change and explore more of the world. So one day when nobody was watching I hitched a ride on a passing vehicle out of the gate, luckily nobody noticed and off I went.
Chapter Four
I had not realized though that food was not so easy to obtain on the streets and people laughed because I had no clothes on and did not speak their language. Being the monkey I am I quickly learnt to cope, previously I had watched videos of Curious George, Jungle Book and others so had no problems understanding how to fit in, it was just a problem of learning to speak this odd language. I must say my writing is quite poor but I am getting the hang of this voice recognition and operating a keyboard on the computer. It has been said I have to say that already, when I sent this to my so called friend Caroline (more of her later) that she has been criticizing my spelling and grammar WHAT I am a monkey and think I am doing a great job so far
Chapter Five
I tried a few jobs but found the pay was peanuts, so quickly moved on, I finally found my way to a place called Bury, there was a vacancy for a live in job at a place called Build A Bear Workshop, all I had to do was to sit, look my usual debonair self and let the people see me model clothes. The only problem was I had to share with a range of rather odd looking animals of all shapes and sizes, but it was warm, the staff were pleasant and during the day lots of people came to visit us. Oh again there were no wages just as much food as I could eat, I discovered a taste for strawberries and now cannot get rid of the smell, it’s quite embarrassing.
Chapter Six
Well time passed and I did wonder what the future held, then one wet Sunday three odd looking blokes came in, I listened and they were explaining to the staff they were looking for a pleasant travelling companion for one of them who was fed up of being on his own when he went on holiday, so he wanted a friend who would go on a long trip round the world with him later this year. Well I put on my most smiley face, but no he was looking at some rabbit that had caught his eye, but there seemed issues to do with the clothes he had for his holiday. Well I have a whole wardrobe available to me, so I waited and waited, well he chose a distant relative of mine first, but then found they were a little overweight, so at last it was me. Now as it happened all my clothes were hanging up to dry and they seemed in a rush to go some other place for a drink of coffee and some carrot cake.
Chapter Seven
The pleasant young assistant said no problem and sorted me out a spare outfit that was someone else’s, plus a pair of sunglasses to cope with the glare out on the street, they even mentioned I had proof of age in the shape of my birth certificate plus my passport. Well as quick as they could sort it out, I was off. I did notice money changing hands but who cared, a new adventure for me. An even bigger shock was to find he had decided to take the rabbit who I was not acquainted with also, I must stop ignoring him and find out what his plans are. Don’t want him upstaging me.
Chapter Eight
Already I have met some of Jeff’s friends and been introduced. Now we have a problem because for reasons I don’t understand he wanted to change my real name Chico to something else. WELL what a cheek, but if it gets me out and about who cares in the end. He has been running a name the monkey competition(cheeky so and so) for a week on Facebook, with some very odd names being put forward, wonder where they find these and how would they feel about being called these names themselves, and I was beginning to get worried that maybe this was not a good idea and that I should be making my way back to the Workshop. But finally he has chosen a rather posh name, but insists that I change my surname to his, so henceforth I will have to change my name by deed poll to Gulliver Glasser, at least it’s the name of another adventurer. I bet he has forgotten my passport needs changing to. He has agreed that I can keep Chico as my middle name.
Chapter Nine
Already I have been on a couple of short trips with him, and he is taking me to some famous place called Blackpool at the end of the month to meet some more people, so its all getting exciting. Even more so in that he is planning a round the world trip with me and initially some other person he is related to. He has explained that he is hoping that I will be willing to model for him at some of the sights (hope I get well rewarded for this) but at last a chance to see where my ancestor spent some time in New York, wonder if I can do some gambling in Vegas, not sure about the Grand Canyon though as I don’t have as good a head for heights these days, but then, a trip to Auckland, not sure whats there, but then the Great Barrier Reef, Ayres Rock and Sydney.
Chapter Ten
He tells me he wants me to meet a friend of his in Penang and show me the Christmas lights in Singapore(what for, I am 21 you know, but not sure if Santa will call if I don’t though), then on to some odd named place Shanghai, before travelling back. I hope he gets me good seats for when we travel to all these places and a suitable wardrobe of clothes, for the various climates, I did notice a pleasant young woman was passing on a posh dressing gown and spare top for me the other day when he explained all my clothes had shrunk in the wash.
Chapter Eleven
Oh dear there goes that Caroline again, she said I was to mention that they are expecting me to help them with fundraising for their local group that supports people with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, emotionally and practically. Its called the Bury Bolton ME & CFS Support Group, seems soon it will be a charity so you can be sure it’s a real cause, I am told that Jeff has this so will enquire more at some point and pass onto you. They are setting up the fund that hopefully you will contribute to, but more of that soon when I have managed to sort out the practicalities.
Well I hope you don’t mind me telling my story, I hope some of you will become my friends on Facebook soon and enjoy hearing of my adventures as they unfold.
10 Aug 2014
My Next Big Adventure 10 August 2014
10 August 2014
Hello folks, well now the safari is over, its time to tell you about the next adventure I have been planning for some time now, I made a passing reference to it in a previous blog, but now it is reality, I have booked the flights and hotels, now it’s the transfers and what to see when I go on the trip.
It t came about initially as a result of discussion with my son regarding a special event to celebrate his 40th birthday. He told me he had always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon, so was this possible, I said yes we could do this, but it would involve going to Lasd Vegas as a base, he was happy about this and to see some of the gambling casinos and the famous “Strip” unfortunately due to the cost I was going to be unable to involve the whole family in this trip, I did feel guilty but it will be a one off holiday that we will have the time to be together away from all the usual stuff for a time on this adventure. Whilst thinking about it I had another thought about whether we could include New York also as I had always said one day I would return, after some thought he was happy with this also.
Whilst looking at Google Earth I thought what about my extending my trip although I was aware that my son could only be away for up to two weeks and would be returning home. I considered Hawaii where my friend Sofi lives, I tried a number of times unsuccessfully to contact her so in the end discarded that. I had felt I would like to meet up with my long term friend from childhood Paul who now lives in Penang with his wife, something I had promised myself for a number of years. I t was not a difficult task to now think I could also visit Australia and finally get to Singapore as part of the trip. So the idea was born, my son said later on in the year was a good time for him, plus I later found out Vegas is less busy and a little cooler and I could see the Christmas lights in Singapore if the trip there was late on in the year.
So far so good, next task explore how to achieve it, I looked at recommended travel agents from Which and looked at what Flightbookers could do, I struggled with the hotels they had on offer, so then contacted another from Which Audley Travel, initially they were very good but for reasons I did not understand did not work on the routes I wanted with the airlines I wanted. I therefore went back to my friendly agent Sue at Ace Travel2, we sat down and looked at the options to do the trip, considering my health and mobility issues, she went away with my wish list. Well I could tell you in detail of all the time we spent trying to refine the trip, but in the end we had dates destinations and flights. Not quite the package I set out for but now with a couple of extra stops. Oh I forgot I must thank Gail my favourite physio for her suggestions about the trip, more of her later.
The trip was now to be to New York, then Las Vegas including a trip whilst there to the Grand Canyon, my son wants to go for a bike ride on the rim, so will have to sort this out soon, then he returns home and I then go to Auckland for a few days, then onto the great barrier reef staying at a place called Port Douglas, from there I travel to Ayres Rock for a night, then to Sydney for a few days. After this is a trip via Singapore to Penang to meet my friend for a few more days, then back to Singapore to explore the sites and lights, then a lst stop at Shanghai for a few more days then back to London, in total its 30 days away.
I spent a lot of time exploring and Tripadvisor to find hotels that met my needs and budget and all being well they are now booked and suitable for me and the places I want to visit. Along the way I found that someone I know on the internet lives in Vegas so I have been in touch and am looking forward to meeting up whilst there if possible. Its only recently I have realized that after my so returns I have a further 20 days partly on my own apart from at Penang, so I am unsure how well that will work out, as I found on my recent trip to Africa the man next to me going was not good company and on the way back I sat alone. I have added up that I am flying for at least 60 hours and will be in airport lounges for over 20 hours at least(just as well I have bought a lounge pass for free access) it was invaluable on the last trip.
I have made sure travel insurance is in place for myself and son, he informed me recently that he now has been diagnosed with sleep apnea and needs to bring special equipment with him on board so another thing to deal with, fortunately its only a small item, oh forgot I need visas for three of the places I am going to so will sort these out soon, I am going to make sure that there is assistance for me at all of the airports due to their size and my problems walking long distances, I think if I am going to be in a long queue in USA then at least hopefully I will be sat down.
Back to my issue of travelling alone, those of you that know me are aware that I enjoy listening to others and occasionally saying a little to contribute to the conversation, okay then I am a chatterbox, so unsure how I will cope with my own company, made worse by the fact my hearing is poor these days, so far I have nobody interested in accompanying me unless I pay for them uuumm so I thought there must be a answer, well I may of found an answer but also a way to fundraise at the same time.
Today I met my travelling companion, at the local shopping centre, we hit it off at first sight, he seems a quiet sort of soul at first impressions seems to have a cheeky grin and hopefully a disposition to match, there is quite a complicated story to him which I will tell you of in the not to distant future, I introduced him to my friends Andy and Brian who felt it was a good match. My new friend is interested in fund raising for our local ME/CFS Fibro support group, so I have talked him into joining Facebook as part of this and my friends Caroline and Mandy are hopefully going to help me make it feasible, plus he will write his story of any trips he does before and including the big one, we are hoping that he will be able to establish his own profile on Facebook so you can follow his travels, I am anticipating a whole series of “Selfies” to show where he gets to on his travels.
I had better close for now but will give updates as things fall into place or any progress is made to do with the trip I hope you have enjoyed the read. Sorry so far no photos but promise to put some in soon.
Hello folks, well now the safari is over, its time to tell you about the next adventure I have been planning for some time now, I made a passing reference to it in a previous blog, but now it is reality, I have booked the flights and hotels, now it’s the transfers and what to see when I go on the trip.
It t came about initially as a result of discussion with my son regarding a special event to celebrate his 40th birthday. He told me he had always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon, so was this possible, I said yes we could do this, but it would involve going to Lasd Vegas as a base, he was happy about this and to see some of the gambling casinos and the famous “Strip” unfortunately due to the cost I was going to be unable to involve the whole family in this trip, I did feel guilty but it will be a one off holiday that we will have the time to be together away from all the usual stuff for a time on this adventure. Whilst thinking about it I had another thought about whether we could include New York also as I had always said one day I would return, after some thought he was happy with this also.
Whilst looking at Google Earth I thought what about my extending my trip although I was aware that my son could only be away for up to two weeks and would be returning home. I considered Hawaii where my friend Sofi lives, I tried a number of times unsuccessfully to contact her so in the end discarded that. I had felt I would like to meet up with my long term friend from childhood Paul who now lives in Penang with his wife, something I had promised myself for a number of years. I t was not a difficult task to now think I could also visit Australia and finally get to Singapore as part of the trip. So the idea was born, my son said later on in the year was a good time for him, plus I later found out Vegas is less busy and a little cooler and I could see the Christmas lights in Singapore if the trip there was late on in the year.
So far so good, next task explore how to achieve it, I looked at recommended travel agents from Which and looked at what Flightbookers could do, I struggled with the hotels they had on offer, so then contacted another from Which Audley Travel, initially they were very good but for reasons I did not understand did not work on the routes I wanted with the airlines I wanted. I therefore went back to my friendly agent Sue at Ace Travel2, we sat down and looked at the options to do the trip, considering my health and mobility issues, she went away with my wish list. Well I could tell you in detail of all the time we spent trying to refine the trip, but in the end we had dates destinations and flights. Not quite the package I set out for but now with a couple of extra stops. Oh I forgot I must thank Gail my favourite physio for her suggestions about the trip, more of her later.
The trip was now to be to New York, then Las Vegas including a trip whilst there to the Grand Canyon, my son wants to go for a bike ride on the rim, so will have to sort this out soon, then he returns home and I then go to Auckland for a few days, then onto the great barrier reef staying at a place called Port Douglas, from there I travel to Ayres Rock for a night, then to Sydney for a few days. After this is a trip via Singapore to Penang to meet my friend for a few more days, then back to Singapore to explore the sites and lights, then a lst stop at Shanghai for a few more days then back to London, in total its 30 days away.
I spent a lot of time exploring and Tripadvisor to find hotels that met my needs and budget and all being well they are now booked and suitable for me and the places I want to visit. Along the way I found that someone I know on the internet lives in Vegas so I have been in touch and am looking forward to meeting up whilst there if possible. Its only recently I have realized that after my so returns I have a further 20 days partly on my own apart from at Penang, so I am unsure how well that will work out, as I found on my recent trip to Africa the man next to me going was not good company and on the way back I sat alone. I have added up that I am flying for at least 60 hours and will be in airport lounges for over 20 hours at least(just as well I have bought a lounge pass for free access) it was invaluable on the last trip.
I have made sure travel insurance is in place for myself and son, he informed me recently that he now has been diagnosed with sleep apnea and needs to bring special equipment with him on board so another thing to deal with, fortunately its only a small item, oh forgot I need visas for three of the places I am going to so will sort these out soon, I am going to make sure that there is assistance for me at all of the airports due to their size and my problems walking long distances, I think if I am going to be in a long queue in USA then at least hopefully I will be sat down.
Back to my issue of travelling alone, those of you that know me are aware that I enjoy listening to others and occasionally saying a little to contribute to the conversation, okay then I am a chatterbox, so unsure how I will cope with my own company, made worse by the fact my hearing is poor these days, so far I have nobody interested in accompanying me unless I pay for them uuumm so I thought there must be a answer, well I may of found an answer but also a way to fundraise at the same time.
Today I met my travelling companion, at the local shopping centre, we hit it off at first sight, he seems a quiet sort of soul at first impressions seems to have a cheeky grin and hopefully a disposition to match, there is quite a complicated story to him which I will tell you of in the not to distant future, I introduced him to my friends Andy and Brian who felt it was a good match. My new friend is interested in fund raising for our local ME/CFS Fibro support group, so I have talked him into joining Facebook as part of this and my friends Caroline and Mandy are hopefully going to help me make it feasible, plus he will write his story of any trips he does before and including the big one, we are hoping that he will be able to establish his own profile on Facebook so you can follow his travels, I am anticipating a whole series of “Selfies” to show where he gets to on his travels.
I had better close for now but will give updates as things fall into place or any progress is made to do with the trip I hope you have enjoyed the read. Sorry so far no photos but promise to put some in soon.
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