27 Feb 2008

Latest update on Concert

Well I am so sorry I have not been blogging for a while, but it has been one of those periods in life when we think well eventually I will find the time to catch up.

Fortunately Caroline kindly spurred me on today asking why had I gone quiet, so how could I resist, are you reading carefully then I will begin.

You may remember that I was organising another concert, did you know the date, well I did, its this Sunday, now what’s special about this date that I did not know, yes its Mothers Day, so of all the days in the year how could we of got it so wrong, or at least that’s how it seems.

Well that’s not to bad you say, no but supposing the person who rings round to sell the tickets & do the publicity has to go off ill, well that’s very sad for her but also for the concert, but never mind, now just supposing the person who was designing the posters became pregnant & struggled to do them, gladly she now has a lovely little baby called Dylan. But then just imagine that the substitute person now after doing the poster, disappears when we find we need it altering, um interesting.

Now there is the little issue of the performers, it seemed so simple & I must say that all that is going to happen on the day is down to the lovely Jackie, who has worked so tirelessly to make it all happen, as people found they could not do their part, finding substitutes & wheeling & dealing, planning, doing the running order, Jackie you have been brilliant, quite who or what will be on the stage we will have to see

Oh I forgot, we have had a little hiccup, to do with the piano, well we will now have it, but will it be in tune, lets see

Now about the tickets well they should be going great after the success last year, well not quite, so readers if you are about this Sunday & want to treat the family please come down to Radcliffe Civic suite for 2pm, I am sure you will have a treat.

In case you turn up & cannot see me well who do you think is operating the curtain again, but I will come out in the interval to see who turns up.

27 Jan 2008

An Update on Life

Hi Readers sorry about the delay, but it has been busy recently, plus my health has not been as good as I would like

Well the concert draws closer & we seem to have all the ingrediants for a successful show, these include Affetside Choir, Whitefield Operatic Society, Matthew at the Piano & his sister who is going to play the piano as well as show us various routines from her dancing skills, also at the last minute we have a new group from Merseyside Sever, who are performing arts students doing various dance routines.

The tickets are printed & on sale from now & shortly we will be advertising the event, lets hope it is an even bigger success than last years was.

Sadly the final pieces are falling into place in relation to my divorce, which will mean it is finished once & for all, but at the same time it means its the end of what once was a very happy realationship, at least I feel that my solicitor helped me as much as possible unlike these stories that we hear of to do with others in their profession.

I have been sufferring a lot from my back the last couple of weeks & am at present on very strong painkillers which are making me quite tired but mabe the rest I have had this last week is what the body was trying to tell me it needed, also to spend less time on the computer.

As a result I have now decided to see a consultant privately just to get some answers to what is going on with my spine & other parts of me, I just hope its helpful & not bad news.

The good news is that I have booked the next holiday & hope that it is as enjoyable as the last one, the photos may show that hopefully, will give an update after the event.

Please dont forget to have a read of the other parts of my Blog & in particular I am still waiting for those special photos from anywhere in the world of beautiful settings together with fast food places

11 Jan 2008

Another Gentle Reminder

Hi Folks As I have said previously please go & have a look at my other blogs, pass comments, good or bad you will find them if you dont know how by going into My Profile & they are there at the bottom of the page.

Pams People should of been on here but it was a bit late so decided I would tempt you over to the others to have a look in case you have not been there before

If any of you from Sagazone have wandered in here, please have a look, some you will of seen but lots more should help you to sleep as you read, but dont get lost you may never find your way back

30 Dec 2007

Just A Reminder

Hello Folks, shortly will be putting some new material on this blog, but dont forget my other two blogs if you havent already read them, in particular, my latest little story about my childhood, called Two little men in a Flying Saucer

20 Dec 2007

Pams People

Well on monday went to see Pams People, a small group of people who have got together to entertain others.

It was in a large community centre hall but sadly there were only a few people there as an audience, in fact I think there was not many more than the number of performers, despite this the how cold the room was there was a great atmosphere & it really was a good performance with a mixture of songs from the musicals, sketches & carols.

The group seemed to enjoy themselves almost as much as the audience, my friend Jackie was there & it was lovely to hear her as others sing solos rather than with the choir I am used to hearing them in.

One of the group a young lady has the most beautiful smile when she sings as well as a beautiful singing voice, I mentioned, this to Jackie & low & behold the lady came over, her speaking voice matche the rest of her, but why had she appearred, well at long last my chance had come, she offerred me a stocking, but then explained that she wanted me to drap it over the shoulder of the man next to me when the cue came.

Well faced with this responsibility, at long last someone had realised my potential, not sure really as what, maybe props, I watched whilst still trying to follow the wonderful comedy sketch, at long last it seemed to be the right moment, but the gentleman noticed & was not very happy until I explained it was part of the show, finally the point was reached & we all enjoyed the conclusion of the piece & the stocking was returned to its owner, much to the gentlemans relief.

I wanted to take a photo to put on the blog but sadly the group do not feel ready for this quite yet, what a lovely afternoons entertainment, I could almost become a groupie

Happy christmas everyone

An Update on My Thoughts on SagaZone

I am writing this blog to balance things from my first one about manners and attitudes on this site, possibly I was being unfair to people, although I was only going off my own experiences at the time and it was a new site, arranged differently, with a mixture of reasons for people to join.

Unfortunately since joining, the site has had problems regarding access and all sorts of things have been added and taken away, and by the look of it, some of the people who used to use the site, whether this is a good thing or a bad thing we have yet to see.

I have to start on a positive note and say I have met some really lovely people whilst on this site, who've been patient, guided me through the strange layout of the site, supported me in my initial contacts, both in relation to my blogs, but also when I have gone into the various chat rooms and forums, trying to find my way round, as well as integrate in the SagaZone community.

One of my most interesting and enjoyable finds was the Owl's, I don't know how to describe this group, apart from saying what a bunch of kind friendly supportive yet wacky set of people, (wacky may be the wrong word), if any of the owls read this please give me your own suggestions so long as their not rude.

The only difficulty with the Owls, is that they only come out late at night, when most people have gone to bed, to make it worse they actually live in a large tree which appears to be quite cold and draughty at the moment, so how they maintain their humour I'm not really sure of, but they have welcomed me as a mere fledgling, my dilemma, is that keeping them company is quite addictive, despite the fact that often they carry on until early in the morning.

I feel I have to mention certain people who belong to the Owls, first of all Sue who first introduced me to this group, Brenny, who has supported and advised me as well as Clabby who has quietly been there for me, should I mention people such as Dan, ICE or TBL, well now I've done that, gosh I nearly forgot Tipples or should I say Tips who has advised me on all manner of things (ironing was the most useful).

Moving onto my blog and others, because people have been kind enough to read my blog and pass comment, it seemed only fair to go and have a look at theirs, well that was the best thing I could have done, from the unpredictable of HoneyCook and her various adventures, to WilfulWoodpecker and Mallu and their fascinating stories, to the newly found blog of Janet Humphreys, which is so very touching, it is unfair not to mention all the blogs I have read and their authors, but it would take forever to list them all and why they have been so enjoyable.

So how to sum up where we've reached now, well are some lovely kind considerate people on this site, who will go out of their way to help and support others, with a sense of humour, despite some of the difficulties they experience themselves in their day to day life, but very sadly I have personally come across a small number of people who seem to have very strange, not very nice agendas, and in fact can be quite rude, but even worse as I have flitted about the site, and read some of the statements people have made about each other, I feel there are people on the site who use it as a weapon to attack others who do not agree with their thoughts and opinions, my hope is that there are enough of us nice people out there to balance out them others.

Well now it's time to shut up, I hope you enjoyed the read, comments both positive and negative are welcome.

For any of my new found friends that read this, thank you for your support over the last couple of months.

Happy Christmas to you all

17 Dec 2007

Confirmed the Concert

Hello, sorry been quiet recently, it seems to of got very busy, last week went to see Affetside Choir & Bessess o the Barn band, doing a christmas carol event locally, I really enjoyed it.

Sadly never found a holiday abroad & wasent willing to pay the price over here for nothing, so just using leave to waste the time away.

Last saterday was invited to a friends home for a party, well you know I am very wary of these things so, was happy that this time there were going to be nice people there that I knew so should not be such a problem.

Well had been told to get there 7pm so arrived 7.30 to be met by hostess in dressing gown & nobody else there, well it seems I got the timing wrong but a least got a comfortable seat. Others that I knew arrived & then was introduced to some really nice people, then it happened man arrived with Kareoki , but luckily had problems setting up.

Eventually he set it up only for me to realise I was in line with loudspeakers, no problem but cannot hear well when it is quiet, so now had to lipread conversations, not sure I always said yes to the right things or vica versa

Well after the last party thought here we go again, but no, people could actually sing in tune & it was music I could relate to, amongst the people there were some a little bit diverish but generally very enjoyable, then she came & sang, sadly I did not know her name but boy did she have a voice, having said that I mentioned this to the hostess only to be picked up, oops was her voice not as good, sadly no.

But then a real suprise amongst the guests was a young lady actress who is going for an interview for American Idol, interestingly she cannot sing but is a good actress, they want people who cannot sing to promote the programme, but to act over the top.

I discussed this with her, her view is any chance of a break will do because she has been training as an actress for 8 years, well best of luck.

Later a pleasant young woman came in on crutches & we were introduced, but I did not quite catch what had happened, but I thought I nodded my head at the right times, later we ended up sitting together & started talking, guess what, how to obtain a Blue Badge & benefits due to disability, I have a feeling I am a little rusty on chat up lines, having said that I did in the course of conversation explain that I was not looking for new relationships at present(door firmly closed)

Having said that we then chatted about all sorts including spiritualism which I am unsure about, but it kept the conversation going & the time flew, suddenly I realised it was way past my bedtime in fact 2am, what a nice night it had been, so I said goodnight to the young lady after giving her the contact details for claiming benefits & my work number if she wanted help.

It seems from talking to the hostess I was not supposed to of done this she was trying to do some matchmaking, well never mind it really was a lovely night & I was stone cold sober from start to finish.

I must of done something right I have been invited to the next party in february

1 Dec 2007

Update on the concert & dating sites & other stuff

Well while in the mood I just thought I would give a quick update on the concert, which is that a date has now been confirmed apart from when I contacted the venue to tell them today, they were to busy to put it as confirmed in the book, so will try again tomorrow

I thought I had my lineup all sorted out, but sadly Pams People cannot appear they have other commitments, but instaed Affetside Choir are possibly willing to perform again with a different selection of music, plus we may be able to ask some other local talent to join in.

Jean the beatiful singer from last year is offerring to perform again, so we must be doing something right. Plus at the moment we have a talented young man willing to play the piano for us, his mother is willing to supply a group of young dancers, including some really young ones to give us the aah factor. Plus I have asked one of our volunteers if he will do a couple of sketches to cover up any of my mistakes during the performance & the lovely Jackie has offerred to compere again.

Now all I have to do is get some photos & info on the acts, get someone to sort out the design of the posters, find people to distribute information & posters to the public, find prizes for the tombola & someone to run it in time for early early March, plus late on Brian the elusive one on my photos wants me to find a school choir as well.

Well you can see I have to much time on my hands & a brilliant social life so I thought it was time to venture out & try to make social contact as described in my previous blog. Well I had been a member of Friendsreunited for some years as some of you will know, which had helped me to track down a range of long lost friends, so why not have a look at their companion site to chat, well sadly not quite what I wanted.

In conversation with someone at work they said, why not try their dating site you can just meet up & chat or make friends, so off I went, this is not good for my back, but I will try anything once, Joined up Had a look & there seemed some pleasant people going from their profiles & photos, although others had said be wary people can tell lies (surely not on the internet) plus people appearred to have looked at my profile. so jump straight in thought I & guess what , I got stuck on a page saying they wanted MONEY before I could access anything, well I thought about it & decided being tight & looking for a holiday(more of this in my next blog or maybe later in this one) decided not to bother.

Well yesterday I got a message to say someone was trying to contact me, well being the sad person I am curiosity got the better of me so I decided to contact them, with bated breath I clicked on the link to BE TOLD I NEEDED TO PAY MONEY FIRST, well what should one do.

I felt if someone after reading my profile was that desperate, then I should at least read their message, although friends keeep telling me how I dont look my age, maybe that actually means I am older than I look, must check this out.

Finally curiosity got the better of me so I paid the money & clicked on the link, the message was quite brief & sadly the lady although maybe a very nice person from her profile did not seem to have anything in common with me, plus she lives a considerable distance away from me, so right or wrong I have not yet contacted her but thinking of crititism I have made I now think that I should aknowledge her at least for making the effort.

Whilst browsing through the other members interestingly I came across someone I know & again am not sure whether I should say hello(but would it embarrass her) I suppose she could of contacted me if she wanted.

Well last but no means least I noticed a pleasant looking person so looked at her profile, which if correct meant she was not looking for someone like me but for reasons I am not sure of I e mailed just to say what a lovely person she seemed, what a nice suprise she e mailed back just to thank me, but my feeling is thats the end of that conversation, so lets see what happens on my next visit, I will try to remember to keep you posted

These brilliant photos I came across from a new aquaintance the other day & she was willing for me to put them on, I hope you enjoy them as much as me

My Adventures On Sagazone

Well Readers, I have been spreading my wings & exploring the delights of the web site for us over 50s, I quickly signed up & started to explore.

Quite soon after joining after reading a couple of the posts I decided maybe I should change my photo from Merlin to one of me when I was a little(well a lot younger), well a couple of people contacted me, including a lady, well thought I surely this is a good sign & promptly replied to her, well as usual nothing goes as we want, I am still waiting for a response from her.

Well I have explored different parts of the site now, had a look at the forums, where actually people seem to chat, some seem quite friendly, but I do have to say there are also sadly some people on there as on all sites who are not so pleasant in fact they seem bent on being unpleasant, to each other.

But now the good news, there are some really really nice people on the site & I have to name a few of them in the hope that those of you who I may of tempted to join will go & have a look at their profiles & then blogs, so here goes

Daisiepo Rose58 Honeycook V Goty Funkyfarmer Wilfulwoodpecker

I have just realised I need to say their blogs are an interesting mixture & well worth a visit.

The site does not have the facility yet if ever to upload photos to the blog or create interesting templates, but you can find some wide ranging subjects quite easily as well as follow others involvement in forums you have joined, but also announce your latest blog.

PS just to say this is another photo from my collegue at work

Well thats all for now folks will keep you updated on my adventures in Sagaland

22 Nov 2007

The Next Concert

Sorry about the delay in posting but life has been busy but not particularily interesting recently, but all this will now change

We are starting to plan the next concert for early next year, with a new cast of performers, including Pams People(that is Pams,) Whitefield Operatic society, performing some of their work from musicals, a talented young pianist, a dance troupe, sketches from one of our members & any other people we can rope in.

All we have to do now is to agree on a suitable date, possibly late February early March, we have provisional booking, I have just remembered, we also have our own sound person hopefully and yet again I will most probably have the most important role that of opener of the curtains

The nice photos of the woods are ones taken by a collegue that I noticed as a background on her computer.

I am still seeing my physio & she is still telling me that my back is one of the tightest she has ever seen, I am still trying to to make light of it, but the pain is not abating yet,(you should see the exercises she has me doing, could put them on UTube if i knew how) so is now suggesting I be referred to a consultant by my GP, I feel we have been here before, lets see how quick this happens this time round.

I forgot to say have heard from Zorro who has totally confused me by going to Spain instead of South America, you would of thought he would of known the differance by now, so I feel this could be fate because I am debating whether to go over to Spain for a week before xmas, so am now looking for a flight & accomodation in the next week or two if possible